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Male Twi'lek Model

Some 1 guy

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Originally posted by PajamaSam

whoa....deja vu anyone?


he he he




Uh huh. I've been double posting lately if that is what you mean. Something wass screwed up, so I rebooted.


If you are referring to this thread content, I thought I saw this thread before, but it is no longer there. I gave the same response too....:confused:

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Here are some pictures of what I'd like it to be like.


This is a good picture, only I'd like it with out the cape and the hood. Also, it doesn't really matter, but if it is easier, you can make it with Jedi Robes.


I found this pic that would really help the modeler out, or at least in my opinion: http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/media/qtswg/twilek.htm


Thanks in advance:gree

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