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Xbox Version Websites?


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I am looking for a website that is Star Wars Galaxies Xbox version related. How close will the games be in content? Any xbox player associations set up yet? Though I may get lured into playing the pc version at some point since I dont have much patience but I am going to try to hold out till the xbox version comes out. Cant find a lot about the xbox version so any help is appreciated. Thanks All!

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Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forum!!! :)


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My personal opinion is, don't get the X-Box version.

I cannot imagine that this kind of game would suit very well on a console. :)

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I don't have a PC to run this and so the xbox is my only hope. The xbox future is looking pretty dim - no word on it in months. If I had a choice between the two I would take the PC version in no time but that's not possible right now. Is there ANY sign that this is still coming to xbox?

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Greeting's but,

There's more bad news..aswell as the PC hassel you're gonna need to pay for you're broad band connection aswell as the xbox live subscription then i assume the SW:G fee's added on for extra wallet torture!.


I'd save up for a decent Pc, not top end but just enough to handle the game. :)


Nando Shar

Sativa Mineral Corporation

*Rock's Big and Small we got'em all*


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