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I'm going to need the guide for idiots on behaved


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I need help using Behaved!

I tryed taking a look at ISCARUS maual but it doesn't help me. All it does is tell about different commands it doesn't say how to do scripting in behaved. And I don't have any background experience using any scripting stuff. I need a tutorial or something that starts me of nice and simple. The specific things I want to learn is displaying objectives, making in game clips (already know how to do that know where theres a tutorial on making clips), making characters mouths move and making them move around and arm movement and such.

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Ok, i don't have a tutorial for you, but i can tell you how to set mission objectives. To make NPC's walk around and talk, the best thing to do is look through the single player scripts zip included in the editing tools, they have everything you need.


To change the single player objectives....


Open your assets1.pk3 file. Find strip/objectives.sp, and extract it. If you open this, you'll find all the objectives in the game. What you have to do is edit these, and call them with a script in-game. It's a good idea to have your map in it's own directory, unless you don't mind having your objectives in the original JO mucked up. In objectives.sp, you should have something like:



CONFIG W:\bin\striped.cfg

ID 8


DESCRIPTION "the objectives... duh..."





TEXT_LANGUAGE1 "Find and steal the Death Star plans."

TEXT_LANGUAGE2 "Fouiller l'avant-poste impérial."

TEXT_LANGUAGE3 "Verlassenen imperialen Außenposten untersuchen."





TEXT_LANGUAGE1 "Meet Jan on the roof for extraction."

TEXT_LANGUAGE2 "Attaquer les forces Impériales dans cette zone."

TEXT_LANGUAGE3 "Truppen der Hinterbliebenen angreifen."





TEXT_LANGUAGE1 "Investigate the hidden section of the outpost."

TEXT_LANGUAGE2 "Fouiller la zone cachée de l'avant-poste."

TEXT_LANGUAGE3 "Geheime Sektion des Außenpostens untersuchen."


I've edited the first 2, as you can tell. Once you've edited your objectives, save the file, and make sure it's in yourmap/strip. Now for the script. open behavED and paste this in:



rem ( "objectives for map (using edited sp file)" );




As you can see, it's using the Kejim post objectives, which we just so happen to have edited :D. You can use any of the objectives in the .sp file, just add another line and change the name. Compile this script as misobj.ibi and put it in your scripts directory.


Open your map, and press N to bring up the entity viewer. Find worldspawn, and add the key spawnscript, value <the path to your script> Compile the map, and voila, you have objectives. When you want to set an objective completed, make a script with the same text as above, except with SET_OBJECTIVE_SUCCEEDED in place of SET_OBJECTIVE_SHOW, and call that with a target_scriptrunner i.e. set a trigger to fire a scriptrunner.


Hope that helps!


p.s. DON'T ADD or REMOVE ANY objectives from your .sp file, or it'll all just fall over.

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Originally posted by 000nate

I need help using Behaved!

I tryed taking a look at ISCARUS maual but it doesn't help me. All it does is tell about different commands it doesn't say how to do scripting in behaved. And I don't have any background experience using any scripting stuff. I need a tutorial or something that starts me of nice and simple. The specific things I want to learn is displaying objectives, making in game clips (already know how to do that know where theres a tutorial on making clips), making characters mouths move and making them move around and arm movement and such.


Try this link.



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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by 000nate

lol! that links like the first place I looked at before posting this! Kengo has said to me himself he doesn't know that much about behaved. Plus this post was posted much before he put it on his site.


I was being modest :)


Seriously, most of what I know is in those tutorials, they give you some basics on behaved with the camera stuff, but there is a lot to learn from there.

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Originally posted by 000nate

lol! that links like the first place I looked at before posting this! Kengo has said to me himself he doesn't know that much about behaved. Plus this post was posted much before he put it on his site.


Sorry for trying to help with the link.


Go into the Icarus manual that came with the devtools and read it. Make a small practice map for scripting and try different stuff. Learn by doing.

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LOL! I already figured out how to do camera stuff, objective stuff about a month ago. This is an older post. I don't need help I I already know how to do it. However I am working on trying to get characters to move, but I think I have ir pretty much down.

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