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another problem.


Once added they seem to stand there as ghosts, you can walk right through them.


How is that fixed.


And how do I get the thing with the windows stuff like in jedicouncilgc2, erucoruscant and archives2.


You can see the city outside and ships flying around, but when I try it its just showing to be frozen.



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Use the first one. It has a white box around it. However this is not a sky shader. It's good if you have only one window in the whole level. :)


you can target the trigger to the two doors at once. The point is that the two doors have to have the same targetname value. Or, you can enter a key 'team' and the same value for both of the doors.


If this is a MP map then I'm afraid you can't lock a door to be able to open with key or something.

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Question about skies and stuff.


I dont know if anyone knows of the FFA map Jedicouncilgc2, but this map has a large hall with windows. When you look through the windows you see Coruscant the city.

And there are ships flying.

How can I make this in my map how is it done?





I made an elevator with two triggerbuttons, but they stay up a short while. How do I set it to wait longer then 10 secs or just 10secs.



How can make round rooms without using hollow. Coz Hollow makes z-fighting in my map and I use the caulk version, as explained on rich diesel's site.



Bot Routing how is this done.



Once my map is done it is huge in mb's when made a pk3 file.


Please can anyone help me out with this??




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1. this moving thing is a video animation i saw a texture of it but i'm not relly sure about it.


2.u can use func_timer


3.the floor and the celling for the room its simple just create a brush than go to the brush menu than in there go to arbitrary sided than just make type 59 there and it will be round. Copy the round brush and move it up so u'll have ur celling. Than make another brush and use the bevele to make the walls for the room.


4. About Bot routing i dont know yet.


5. Check Why is it so big maybe caseu the map is big or u just put a music file in it or something that is not included in the game.

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1. That's a shader in the kejim texture set called coruscant. If you look at those windows you can see that the same picture is everywhere, so not really sky looking. And if you go closer you can see that is a flat picture and that's not sky looking too.


3. Yes, but why do that if you can make the floor and ceiling with patches too?


Even more: since you can't use patches (bevels, end caps, cylinders) as real walls because they are like detail brushes when you compile your map, you have to put caulked brushes behind them. In this case it is simpler if you have box shaped floor and ceiling, the patches will hide the corners.

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Ok, i'll just anwser q. 1: i don't have my reference here so i'm not sure about where the texture is... ...If leslies right, then there should be a Curuscant named texture in the kejim tex. folder... ...But wait... it's not the texture you want, its the shader, the one after the texture, i think the one with the white border, the one where the houses nearby show up as blue... ...try using that one, i think it should work, works fine for me... :p




Beans in tomato Sauce, alias Robert H.

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Thanks fella's!


Those things really took away the bugs and stuff.. The map is not done yet but if things go well it will be ready in a matter of days.


I still have a few questions:


1. How can I get an elevator (func_plat) to wait 30 secs before going down again. I tried a lot.

2. How can I make a force_field which deactivates when triggered, is this done simular to doors?

3. How can I do a sky coz the way that was told gives me a lot of leaks.




Project Fear



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Originally posted by <|FeaR|>Storm

I still have a few questions:


1. How can I get an elevator (func_plat) to wait 30 secs before going down again. I tried a lot.

2. How can I make a force_field which deactivates when triggered, is this done simular to doors?

3. How can I do a sky coz the way that was told gives me a lot of leaks.


1. AHA! I knew that was going to come up again sometime! I've started to venture into tutorial writing myself, starting with that bot routing one, and my next one was for elevators! I could answer by saying "add a delay key for 30 seconds," but I suspect that's not exactly what you want. So, you can go to this site, and click the "Tutorials and Hints" button, or you can go directly to the tutorial page here.


2. Make your force-field brush, right-click and select func_usable. Every time the func_usable is triggered, it will switch between "on" (visible and solid) and "off" (invisible and nonsolid). Check the start_on box if you want it to start on. :)


3. RichDiesal explains this correctly in his tutorials. DO NOT make a big huge box around your level, just put sky in the areas where you want the player to see sky (for example, just outside windows). There shouldn't be any leaks inherent in the sky box, if you have any leaks, just plug them up. :D

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Thanks... very usefull...


I've finished, how is it that my map is not smaller then 5 mb?


I did what was told to copy textures,shaders etc into the pk3 file.


I already removed the unused textures, I noticed in some eh most map pk3 files that they have only 1 or 2 shader files. In my map I have them all copied from base\shaders\


please tell me how..



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