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What kind of animals will you be able to raise?


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The real fun is in creature handling. Rancors, Wampas and Dewbacks oh my!


Anyway, Wizdoom, can't you be more inventive. I don't know if altering someone elses avatar is against the rules, but doing it with a mods is some seriously bad mojo. It's obvious you have the ability to make your own, so why don't you?

BTW, I don't care if you use the same quote as I do, but make it look different.(pertaining to the previous thread, when you copied my avatar and sig)


"You will pay for your lack of vision.", Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars Return of the Jedi.



BD, now See how you got so many posts. :p

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Originally posted by BlackDove

Egh it wasn't me, the stupid server has latency issues


Happened to me a couple of times yesterday. I know I only clicked twice, my browser did nothing and then, when I checked there were three posts. Once before that, I know I only clicked once and it showed up twice. Eh? What can you do?

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