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The force power that is needed most is to manipulate objects, with telekenetics.

Also they should make more breakable entites in the map, or objects to manipulate.

As far as lightning, grip those if you so called perfectionist really wanted to be true then most jedi would not have knowledge of the powers revealed in the sith holocron only to masters.

Another power should be force sensing, maybe a smalll reading or something like momentary (second long) glow from that area, and the degree if the force is significantly strong with them.

Tavion seeing that you beat her alredy it wouldn't make much sense to build her as a big boss, again if you were all as realistic as you pump up to be then Tavion wouldn't just become suddenly more powerful from a vallay, or a holocron, but it's the knowledge and how it's used, and the years of training.


Saber combat needs to stay simplistic but right, one style should be more for defence, another speed, another power, oops, they already have that.

So the combat should redifine some animations,and they should take a look at the Aotc official dictionary on saber fighting.

Change the angle on certain attacks manually during attacks would be difficult considering its not an analog controller unless they enable it.

ALso i think a lock-on enemy system would be good to considering all the jumping and movement you have to do during duels. Manual blocking is needed


Next point, never have jedi jumped around so much, in midair do a flip back to recover and save themselves, i think they should ground them more to an extent


Any other ideas

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Originally posted by Smood


|= [THE CHANGES REQUIRED ]======================================






This is probably the biggest area of change that could make the game simply fantastic. The existing combat was definitely a huge step up from Dark Forces 2, stances were a fairly creative idea and helped the game. Another leap in combat is necessary.







To follow the movies more closely, and to make battling more exciting movement in jediknight needs a large revamp. Instead of being quite fps like, it should be more delicate, and intricate. Some solid suggestions follow.


During saber combat individuals are able to move left and right in a very short time, this leads to a cheap fps game/feel not suitable for a type of combat game like jedi outcast. Instead by the same change as above, making the stepping fluid and organic (have movement slower, and better blended) would bring a much greater feel of true saber battling, and movie/real life movement.


One key here is making movement slower relative to the world and relative to other individuals.













Again in this category achieving a fluid blended feel is important. Jerking from one animation to another is the one thing that must be avoided.


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Legion STFU they can make any suggestions they want. It's called sarcasm and humor obviously two human traits you lack because you're a brainwashed robotic fanboy.


Back to topic?


Why would anyone want a game against Exar Kun or of Morgan and Rahn. All their stories have been told and are set. Kun in the EU and Rahn and Morgan in DF2.

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Originally posted by FK|FallenOne

Legion STFU they can make any suggestions they want. It's called sarcasm and humor obviously two human traits you lack because you're a brainwashed robotic fanboy.


Whoa, calm down, he's just trying to do his job by keeping the forums low on spam, which is certainly understandable. I just thought we needed something to lighten the mood when I posted my little comment before.


As for suggestions, let's see a single player game that is actually compelling to play. And a better villain. And get rid of the ridiculous parts of levels, like the puzzle room on the Doomgiver with the bottomless pit. Now that was just stupid.

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Well since SPIDER AL's response to my comments were less then intelligent I'll just leave them at that.


All I'am looking for in future installations is a game where I look at jedi in the game, and they actually look like they are jedi. What I mean by that is I should be able to easily tell a skilled player from a noob through points and fighting technique.


I want people to be afraid of the saber not go barreling into other jedi swinging madly. So when you see to jedi fighting in ANY GAMETYPE, it looks like the duel is actually taking skill and effort not just a 'intuitive' button mash.


At the same time the component of 'gunners' should also be strong. Having people running around blasting jedi should be essential. Taking these gunners away is taking away from the game as well as jedi, since this is half of what a jedi deals with (mercenaries). The only change I suggest here are making guns that have reduced splash damage, instead (if manual blocking with 'sense' or 'force' indicators is employes) have faster blasting weapons that will be difficult to defend against for a long time. The big energy impact weapons are OK, but put a delay on them so there is not too much spamming.


There definately should be a balance.

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Originally posted by FK|FallenOne

He's not a moderator for this forum. It's not his job. So do some research and know what you're talking about before you assume anything. Ya know what they say about those who ASSUME!


Dude calm down. We could always report that to a mod that does watch this forum or even a supermod so...

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Originally posted by Smood:

Well since SPIDER AL's response to my comments were less then intelligent I'll just leave them at that.


Ohhh, back for more eh? You asked for it, and this time I'll disembowel your arm too!




A word to the wise, before you question the intelligence of others you might want to learn the arcane skill of forming a coherent sentence. Kthxbye.


And yes, I realise English is probably not your first language, but then I don't go around trying to debate in Ancient Greek, do I? :D


Originally posted by Smood:

All I'am looking for in future installations is a game where I look at jedi in the game, and they actually look like they are jedi. What I mean by that is I should be able to easily tell a skilled player from a noob through points and fighting technique.


How silly. You can always tell a skilled player from a "noob" (whatever a "n00b!!111" is) by "points". If you consider yourself skilled but consistently have a lower score than other people, then newsflash, you need to reevaluate your opinion of your own skill level.


Those with the most skill, win. Those with less skill, lose. It's that simple.


Originally posted by Smood:

Taking these gunners away is taking away from the game as well as jedi, since this is half of what a jedi deals with (mercenaries).


Like all fanboys before you, you persist in separating the JK world into two camps: "Jedi" and "Mercenaries." The JK games however, are about Jedi who also use guns. Get that through your head.

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Sorry for being a n0ob (:D ) but there are points on Outcast online?


Ohoh, yes indeed. The type of points you get for killing people. Lots of people. WODGES of people. Something I know an awful lot about, mind you. Hurhurhur.





Note, Spider AL is bragging. The "sign2" smiley is meant to be representative of his fabulous record on paper. This has been a public announcement by Spider AL's PR department.


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jeez Spider Al and Smood, get along :)


Spider your right about some things but smood does have some valid points, like the saber should be feared a little more then it is now, which could be done with higher damage first of all. it'd be cool if there was another type of force speed too where you can pretty much explode forward for a short burst, and being able to lunge or swing at the same time.


also, i think smood was implying that there should be more balance between guns and sabers, even if you can use both. guess thats the same thing as the whole "fearing the saber" though. right now its pretty much just a sheild.

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do you mean a record like on a server? cause i'm pretty sure your not talking about score/kills per game are you (like with the tab button?) ? anyway some servers record all the kills and deaths, i've only seen a couple duel servers do it thus far but i'm sure there are many others.

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Originally posted by FK|FallenOne

He's not a moderator for this forum. It's not his job. So do some research and know what you're talking about before you assume anything. Ya know what they say about those who ASSUME!


Dude calm down. We could always report that to a mod that does watch this forum or even a supermod so...




ONLY supermods run this forum.


including me.


please, tell me to STFU, I dare you.


ohwait, you cant... this is locked.


FK|FallenOne: if you do not stop and extract your head from places, and think before speaking, you might not like what is coming to you.


AB_Legion may not be a moderator for THIS forum, but he IS a moderator for LFN.


however, I AM a moderator for this forum.


you WILL respect us.


you seem to think that you may say whatever you wish, because a moderator is not from/for this forum.


shail I call Boba Rhett in here, to see what a funny guy you are? he wont mind at all, he's from GeeBee after all.


ohyeah, that ADMINISTRATOR thingy...


this thread is closed. anyone is free to create a replacement, but please note, it will be closely watched. the thread's concept was fine, but the amount of excess posting was troubling.



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