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Does anyone know how to make a Descending Elevator?


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Hi there. Does anyone know how to make an elevator go down. This would be a great help to me. I am working on my first map and I think that this would really pull my map together. Please Please. I know this has probably been answered one million times but it would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance! :)

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Ok...you can f**k around with func plats if u want, but tbh, if you want a reliable elevator, you need to do it with scripts. i know this is your first map, but it's not rocket science...follow the steps..oh, and you'll need a program called behavED.exe..search for it on google... here we go


First, make a lift platform with a brush. Now, we'll need to define the centre of the platform. Draw a cube in the centre of the platform. It can stick out of the top and bottom of the platform. In the system texture set, find 'origin' and assign it to the cube. Now select the cube and the platform, right click, and click func>func_static. Press N, and add the key script_targetname, value lift1.


Now we need to create the switch to call our lift. Create a switch-sizrd brush and stick it on the wall. Now make a brush that will fit a player in, and put it by the switch. Add the trigger texture from the system texture set. With this brush selected, right click the grid view, and select trigger>trigger_multiple.


now we need to add some special entities. First, we'll create two ref_tags. Right click and select ref>reftag. Position it in the centre of the origin cube on your platform. Now clone it (spacebar) and place it on the floor so both tags line up vertically. Select the top one, press N, and add the key targetname with the value lift1_up, and do the same with the bottom one, with the value lift1_down. These reftags are where the lift will stop.


To make the map access the lift script, we need to add a scriptrunner. To do this, right click and select target>target_scriptrunner. Press N, and add the keys


usescript, value yourmapname/lift1script <---this tells the scriptrunner what to run


targetname, value liftscriptrunner, <-- this is the targetname of the scriptrunner


count, value -1. <--- this allows the player to use the lift as many times as they like


Now, select your trigger, and add the key


target, value liftscriptrunner.


Also, select the use_button flag.

So, when the user is inside this trigger, and presses the use key, the trigger fires liftscriptrunner, which runs the script. The script is:



rem ( "Stealthman's elevator" );


affect ( "lift1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )


move ( $tag("lift1_down",ORIGIN)$, $<0 0 0>$, 2000.000 );

wait ( 4000.000 );

move ( $tag("lift1_up",ORIGIN)$, $<0 0 0>$, 2000.000 );



the "affect" line basically tells the script what it's doing it's thang to. the first move line moves "lift1" (our platform) to the reftag we called lift1_down. the "wait" line pauses the lift for 4 seconds, then the next "move" line moves the platform to reftag lift1_up. pretty simple really!


what you need to do is copy this script, and paste into behavED, then compile it. call it lift1script. behavED will output a .IBI file. put this in the directory your target_scriptrunner refers to (should be base/nameofyourmap/scripts/lift1script DON'T ADD .IBI).


It looks complicated at first, but it's really pretty simple...once u get it into radiant it'll all make sense. let me know if you have any problems.

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Read Darth Kaan's post... he's got the right of it. It's done exactly the same way as a normal func_plat, with two exceptions.


First, you put the platform at the BOTTOM of it's movement, and second, the height key will be a negative number. That way, when you compile and go in game, it will be in the UP position, ,and will move in a negative fashion on the Z-plane, (ie - DOWN).

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wish you'd told me you were doing MP!! took me ages to type that! nm, i'm sure it'll come in handy.


to make a lift triggered, draw a brush to fit your player in, give it the "trigger" texture (in system), right click the grid view, select trigger>trigger_multiple, press N, add the key target, value elevator1, close that, select your elevator, press N, add the key targetname, value elevator1.


thats it!

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Originally posted by Shadriss

Read Darth Kaan's post... he's got the right of it. It's done exactly the same way as a normal func_plat, with two exceptions.


First, you put the platform at the BOTTOM of it's movement, and second, the height key will be a negative number. That way, when you compile and go in game, it will be in the UP position, ,and will move in a negative fashion on the Z-plane, (ie - DOWN).


Exactly. Thanks for correcting my error on position Shadriss. Been awhuile since I made one. ;P

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