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Is the US now desperate?

Reborn Outcast

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Are Bush and his admisnistration desperate now? All this talk about not needing support and the right to act on their own? Something tells me that the US is not getting the support they wanted for war which is a good thing becaue, being an American, I don't want war. What does everyone else think? Is the US now desperate?

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yes they are desperate if they need help we should be able to take care of it by ourselves but i think we worry to much about iraq, we should worry about north korean they are what we should be worrying about if u ask me but i don't want war either unless i get to fight in it

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Vegietto, the reason that they want support from others, and not to go in alone is for it to look like the rest of the world is against Iraq, and not just two - Great Britain will jump in with him. It'd be a conflict that no one wanted, to make both the US and Iraq look like bad guys, which would only make those in the Middle East all the more happier that the US has disgraced itself again.


I still fail to understand how such a simple man is in control of the country, or that his advisors are giving him such bad ideas to try and implement. The majority of the rest of the world has been effected by war somehow, outside that of a civil war, and now that the US has had someone and stomp around in their backyard, they are going nuts.....

Hate to imagine the way that they would've reacted if this was in WW2, instead of just Pearl Harbour.


Of late, all it has been is a case of chest puffing and beating, the US trying to bully everyone into the position of where there can only be conflict...

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