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Wht do you think of the stage for the story


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It seems as if they got permission from George Lucas to make the story the way it is or maybe some input from him through lucasarts on the story setting.

I mean the mandalorian war coming after the sith war tying all that in with Jedi using possibly some dangerous knowledge to defeat the mandalore its all very good

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I love the time period it is in. I've always wanted to know what it was like well before the star wars movies.


Though I would like to have the begining of the game start at the end of the Mandelorian wars.......but oh well, you can't have everything. :)

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I downright LOVE the timeset. I've read alot about the comics that have covered this era, but I have yet to read any of them... still, from what I've seen, this is a very exciting time period, with jedi everywhere... hell, I am so hoping that we can see this big battle with the Jedi Knights fighting against the Sith...


Plus, this game has motivated me to continue to find a shop that has the 'Tales of the Jedi' comics, and finally found one... I've already ordered 'The Sith Wars' to brush up on my knowledge regarding this timeperiod.


Now if only the online 'Order History' would stop saying "Delivery has been delayed" :mad:

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I'm very knowledgable about this time period and I too love it. However, I'm wondering as well, as to how will it be incorporated into the timeline. What will this new war be called? What sort of catasrophy will Malaak achieve? Will Malaak be an integral part of Sith Lore?

I for one will be paying very close attention to the story's details and how its all going to fit.

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Yeah, most big EU projects have to get Lucas' permission (NJO, Bounty Hunter etc) so that's really cool he gave them direction.


I also think it was a good idea to set things after the Sith War with Exar Kun. It keeps you close to those events without being limited by them.

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I've been thinking more about the time period this is set in, and I'm truly starting to realise just how good Bioware is using the entire freedom that they have. In a way, this game will probably the first Lucasarts game that has more impact on the EU universe than any other game has... hell, probably more impact than the average book/comic has.


I mean, sure, they could've set the game around the EP2 era(an offer Bioware could've also chosen, but in the end chose for this era), and it would be pretty cool to create a Jedi in these trying times. However, in the end, our characters really couldn't do much... yes, they would undergo their personal battles and such, but it wouldn't have as much impact.


But now that they've taken an era that has virtually nothing defined yet, the freedom they have is MASSIVE. You want to have the worst bad guy in the Universe(Darth Malak) as an adversary instead of a lackey(General Mohc) or wannabe(Desann)? It's possible now. You want to match wits with a fresh new Bounty Hunter who's the most dangerous one in the galaxy(Calo Nord) instead of knocking down what is considered to be the best Bounty Hunter in the Galaxy(Boba Fett)? It's no problem in this era. You want to talk, influence and maybe even fall in love with the most powerful Jedi in existance(Bastila Shan) instead of merely meeting another powerful Jedi(Luke Skywalker)? No problem in this established era. You want to be the biggest influence in a war(Second Sith War) instead of being a part of a war(The Galactic War)? You will.


There's a totally new era for Bioware to explore... and from what I've seen, they're using this opportunity to great use.


I can't wait!

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Well stated. When the first story opened up in this time period (back in 1992) things have progressed nicely to what is now a rich history of the "real" Old Republic. Bioware could not have chosen more wisely. The time period between the Great Sith War (Exar and Ulic) and the Battle of Russan (Bane) is approx two thousand years. This leaves Bioware almost an unlimited amount of freedom to do what ever, including adding sequals to the game.

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Yeah. I like the fact that instead of a couple hundred Jedi or even a few dozen, like other LEC games, that there's going to be a whole lot more. Very cool.


I like the points about the real bad guy, instead of a lackey or wannabe. Too many LEC games have not been all they could because of wannabes of lackeys.


For instance, TIE Fighter was, and is, a great game because you work with Vader and Thrawn, instead of someone under them.


This game is gunna rule, unless BioWare does something completely wrong with it, which it doesn't look like they're going to let happen.

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Just a side point here, Khamari Vosa was trained by Dooku, drug by the Bando Gora, derranged and so she is probably the best villan created by the EU. Although i look at bounty hunter as cannon she is no doubt the best. Dessan was better than Jerec

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Just a side point here, Khamari Vosa was trained by Dooku, drug by the Bando Gora, derranged and so she is probably the best villan created by the EU. Although i look at bounty hunter as cannon she is no doubt the best. Dessan was better than Jerec


With Vosa, you have a nice point that she might be amongst the best because she was trained by Dooku. And I personally take it that's also why you say that Desann is better than Jerec, because he was personally trained by Luke Skywalker. But does that really say anything?


A simple question on my part : How do you exactly measure who is better or not? The trainer? His attitude? His background? His accomplishments? His mission? His objectives? His voice? His perfume?!

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Originally posted by Burrie

With Vosa, you have a nice point that she might be amongst the best because she was trained by Dooku. And I personally take it that's also why you say that Desann is better than Jerec, because he was personally trained by Luke Skywalker. But does that really say anything?


A simple question on my part : How do you exactly measure who is better or not? The trainer? His attitude? His background? His accomplishments? His mission? His objectives? His voice? His perfume?!



I just don't like characters with no weight to them, Jerec came out of no where and the cutscenes in JK {that looked like they were filmed by some bums in a garrage} were just terrible to me.

Dessan's plan just seemed more logical and creative to me.


Vosa yeah shes probably my favorite female star wars villan. Im a little partial towards EU characters if they so kind of influence from GL or if they're directly spawned from a story that is cannon.


Not knocking other EU char.

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yes lots of the EU caracthers should have been in the movies, they should defentently make a story based upon the thrawn trilogy and the 2 part that follows that.



it's cool that all the EU books, comics etc all tie together though they are writen by a handfull of diffrent writers.


like the thrawn trilogy is set 6 years after endor or something like that, that one is writen by Thimothy Zhan.


and the Dark Empire I & II series continues 2 years after the thrawn trilogy but is wirten by some other person.


and even teh new jedi order books tie with the rest of the books.


but then again if they want to add soething to the story of star wars all writers must ask George Lucas about the new stuff first so it's not a weird at that point that they link together.

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Speaking of continuity... :D


Kyle Katarn just got a mention in the new New Jedi Order book Remnant.


Not even a cameo really, but it was still rad. :D


Oh yeah, and Keyan Farlander (from the X-Wing games) is now a General and commanded a New Republic Capitalship squadron against a titanic Yuuzhan Vong fleet in Destiny's Way too.


Continuity is "teh cool". :D


They should use game characters more often.

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Too bad Walter Jon Williams never payed attention(apparently he must've either overlooked or wasn't informed) to the fact that Keyan Farlander is a Jedi, and might've been in Luke Skywalker's first Jedi class.


But yeah, Kyle's mention is great... heck, mayhaps his chances for a quick cameo apperance are a bit higher now.

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Well, you can buy all the hardcover books(Vector Prime, Balance Point, Star by Star and Destiny's way) and get the gist of what is going on. The first three hardcovers have been released as paperbacks, making them cheaper.


You will miss out on a large part of the story... and whatever you do, don't forget to buy Traitor.

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If you wish to read more about the Jedi Academy, I most certainly recommend the book "I, Jedi" by Michael Stackpole. Although it boosts Corran Horn's ego by a long shot (you'll see what I mean once you've read it), it's a great book to read, and the first part shows pretty much how a student worked and was taught at the starting period of the Jedi Academy

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