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Need some help with game


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Hi All,


I read about this neat game on Gamespot and decided to download the full demo. Some sites mention problems with Windows ME, which I unfortunately have. Wondered if the problems I am having playing the demo are ME related or dummy related - LOL.


When I open the game Manny is in a room with Salvatore and another person. Doesn't seem to be anything to be had in that room at this time so Manny leaves the room. He goes to the Fair and picks up some bread, talks to the balloonmaker but can't get any balloons. He goes back to the alley and climbs the rope, walks the ledge, notices the closed curtains in Salvatore's room and the boss's empty office. He then goes back to where the rope is, picks it up and tries to throw it toward the fire-escape ladder. That's the end of the line - after throwing that stupid necktie rope a zillion times and going nowhere. Oh BTW, he did pass the theatre and ended up on the Petrified Hwy too.


Is that the whole demo? I wouldn't think so. It would be great to be able to check this game out before I buy it (Any places in US to buy it? All my software stores are out of it.) Also, are there any know problems and fixes for this game used with Windows ME?


Thanks for your help,



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When you are at the clown man, ask him to "twist me up one of those, eh fella?" When he says "twist this", your next dialogue should be "Betcha can't do a cat." Then he'll ask you what you want him to do and when he's done he'll give the balloon to you. You can figure it out from there.

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