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Best Fangame I've come across...


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Hey guyz,


This is the best fangame I have ever come across.

It mite be easier to post this in the recent news section, rather then this forum, but i can't send emails to any staff 4 some wierd reason :p


anyway here it is :




Really worth a play, looks like the best MI fangame out there by a long shot, a whole game in itself.


I'll leave you to enjoy it :)




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As for Monkey Island fan games, there's no better than...


  • *
The Fate Of Monkey Island (Which was later shut down by LucasArts, so the author turned his attention to non-lec adventures, which are also recommended)
* The Devils Triangle (Simplistic but good)
* And of course Night Of The Hermit, which I presume is the game you're talking about. Click on the link for super duper talkie version, too.

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Larry Vales sucks. There I said it and I feel better for it. The puzzles aren't bad, but the "humour" is gut-wrenchingly appalling. The first game seems to have been written by a horny 12 year old... The whole receptionist bit: What the hell??


Still, that's just one mans opinion, so if the creator of Larry Vales is reading this, remember: I haven't created ANY sort of adventure game, so what the hell do I know! :)


~ Johnny

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I loved Larry Vales, but I agree that some of the humour was a little on the hyperactive-sex-freak side.


This thread actually caused me to hunt for some new "fan-games", so I promptly downloaded Odysseus Kent (From the author of Rob Blanc, who now owns quite an amusing website), and 6 Day Assassin. Both were brilliant - '6 Day Assassin' had some great little puzzles, and the humour in Odysseus Kent was brilliant. He clearly purchased the Red Dwarf DVD at the time of making.


I also got Calsoon 2 - the first one wasn't too good, but I loved Pleughburgh, so hopefully Gaspop have produced an entertaining set of files.


I love this aspect of the community. While the retail adventure game "dies", the amateur scene grows. We're seeing more and more games with voice acting, and some are taking the step up into the 3rd dimension now. Enthusiasm isn't dying, and sooner or later professional standards may be achieved - and some have come close.

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