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Help ! Please.


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My two maps are very simple ffa maps, apart from the actuall brushes in the maps the only content is a few lights in one of them and 4 info_player_deathmatch entities in both. They compile fine, I have made arena files for each of them:


These are my two map's arena files (yes they are two seperate files)



map "ffa_arena"

longname "Arena"

type "ffa"




map "ffa_platforms"

longname "Arena"

type "ffa"



My two maps both load from the MP console, neither of them load in SP. BUT Neither of them load from the MP menu, they are listed but I get chucked out to the remote console and given this error:


Requested feature was omitted at compile time


So if anyone can help me and tell me how I can get my maps to load from the Create Server menu, I would be very greatful :atat:



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Since no one answered your last post and no one answered thi one I just decided to post a message here. All though I have really no help for you I can say that since you haven't got any responses on both the last one and this one theres a good bet that no one knows how to help you. This rarely happens on this forum however every now and than things of this sort do come up. So I would say that you might want to post this message on another forum or look at tutorials. Good luck ;)

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I wish I'd seen this earlier to help you out. THe reason is actually quite simple. THe "longname" in both arenas is the same... they shouldnt be. Give each one a distinct name - otherwise, BOTH maps have the same name associated with them. BAD. I'll check on it again later tonight, but I THINK that's going to solve the issue.

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The only other thing I can think of for you to check on is the name and location of the arena file within the PK3. If you maed the fiel using notpad or something similar, make SURE it is "mapname.arena" and NOT "mapname.arena.txt" This happens sometimes, so make sure of that. Second, make sure it is placeed in the "/scripts" folder of the PK3.


If those two dont solve it, then I'll have to look at the whole thing more closely.

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Hello - you have a JPG that isn't the correct format. Check all of your textures and make sure they are TGAs, because I'm assuming you are using custom textures. That is all that error means. Also, you will get this error sometimes if you compile while using lando's statue in MP.


Oh, and while the arena file has nothing to do with your error, you shouldn't name them the same thing, name them Arena 1 and Arena 2 but don't name them both Arena.

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