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That's what I'm saying. DooM III will never surpass I or II.

I'm am positive that I will never stop playing DooM I and II but that DooM III's time will come.


Hey this is a though question: Which one is better, DooM I or II?


I'm thinking DooM II just for the Double Barrel Shotgun and the Chainsaw.


I tried using GL DooM once but it created problems in the game (certain items I could not pick up). And I prefer the original pixelized version ;)

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

I really have to go with II. The new shotgun was one of the best weapons in an FPS to date. Cooler levels, I thought, too. And some of the new enemies were fabulous.


As far as the new enemies went, the one I remember and dreaded most was the Arch-Vile. It would always go a bit like this:


"There, this room is cleared, that was tough, especially that Cyber Daemon..."

*leaves, comes back, gets hit by rocket.*

"WTF!!! I thought I killed them all"

*Yellow Arch-Vile "flame" appears in front*


*Dies in the middle of a bunch of monsters he had already killed*


One Arch-Vile was ok, but it was a bit tougher when there were more.


I remember my favourite level in DooM 2 was the one with the Cyber Daemon and the Spider Mastermind in the same room and you could get them to kill each other.




The Cyber Daemon has always fascinated me.


The Mancubuses (those fat ones...) were fun to kill, especially in that level which only had them in it.


Favourite weapon: Double Barrel Shotgun, of course.



Does anyone know of a good server for DooM I or II ??

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God i hate emporer hammer so much. Jsut because they got so many idiots that join them they think thier hot spit. But as Pilots they SUCK donkey balls.


I was the XWA admin over at battlestats.com for a while, and I hated EH with a passions since there were soo many inactive pilots, and any that were active on BSC were total newbs

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Originally posted by Jem

Anyway up for a Deatmatch??


I wish.:rolleyes:

My internet connection is all slow and screwy. One day soon I should be sorting out a better, faster connection.



Originally posted by Commander 598

Afraid of Brush Based Editing?


I just don't have any experience of it. It took me long enough to understand verticies, linedefs, sidedefs and sectors and I can't be bothered to learn something new.:p


The map shown in the screenshot I posted is finished. It requires legacy and it contains new monsters!



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Originally posted by MadPilot

I wish.:rolleyes:

My internet connection is all slow and screwy. One day soon I should be sorting out a better, faster connection.


Just tell me when... ;)



Originally posted by MadPilot

The map shown in the screenshot I posted is finished. It requires legacy and it contains new monsters!


Holy **** that was an awesome level!

The new sounds and music were cool, not to mention those buffed up marines. The part where they all spawned in the same time was a really good and unexpected surprise (almost died there...). I had trouble against the 4 (or was it 5?) Arachnotron until I realised that I had missed the rocket launcher :p (I new that something big was gonna happen when there was all those rocket cases lying around)


Great Job Man.


BTW, I found one little insignificant bug: one of the switches doesn't lit itself red when you avtivate it...

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Personally this is just me talking not XWA.net. I never liked the EH when i was apart of a small Squadron on Compuserve days one of their guys was trying to get my squadron to join we voted and said no well I got a hand on their EH newsletter well guess what there was our logo, our names saying we joined the EH Zaarin if I remember right but it has been at least 7 years ago. That and I think they gotten so big they forgot one of the biggest things in this gaming universe. Friendship.

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Originally posted by K_Kinnison

God i hate emporer hammer so much. Jsut because they got so many idiots that join them they think thier hot spit. But as Pilots they SUCK donkey balls.


I was the XWA admin over at battlestats.com for a while, and I hated EH with a passions since there were soo many inactive pilots, and any that were active on BSC were total newbs


You're right, in the past the EH did extremely poorly when it came to WoW's and using BSC. However, in the last few months we've had a couple of new guys that are charge of our MP activity, and we are slowly turning that around. We're starting to get a larger presence on BSC (still not a huge amount, but more than before) and our admins are careful about keeping only the active ones on their roster.

They've also begun using BSC for internal wars and are planning on using it for an internal ladder in order to get more people used to using it.

I know that my XWA was screwed up for the last 4-5 months, but I just got it working again last week, so I'm hoping I get out and provide someone with some target practice soon.

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Originally posted by ^Invader

Personally this is just me talking not XWA.net. I never liked the EH when i was apart of a small Squadron on Compuserve days one of their guys was trying to get my squadron to join we voted and said no well I got a hand on their EH newsletter well guess what there was our logo, our names saying we joined the EH Zaarin if I remember right but it has been at least 7 years ago. That and I think they gotten so big they forgot one of the biggest things in this gaming universe. Friendship.


7 years ago would have put it just about the time it was formed. Since then, a LOT has changed. I know that for my ship we don't worry about having a lot of huge numbers of members, but rather our focus is on having fun. Right now, I have around 30-35 members on my ship, and I consider most of them very close friends. That's the only reason I have stayed in the EH for so long.

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Well it's not just that Rogue I had some personal problems awhile back and my ex wife caused so much stuff with EH that went I told them i was going to return active they pretty much threw my file away <shrug> But I have more fun with imperial starfleet where Surefire went to after leaving the EH. Unfornately Im not very active due to working 50 hours a week, and when sunday comes along im uploading files to jediknightii.net which is why im trying to find someone to help me update this site and redesign it alittle bit.

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Originally posted by Jem

Holy **** that was an awesome level!

The new sounds and music were cool, not to mention those buffed up marines. The part where they all spawned in the same time was a really good and unexpected surprise (almost died there...). I had trouble against the 4 (or was it 5?) Arachnotron until I realised that I had missed the rocket launcher :p (I new that something big was gonna happen when there was all those rocket cases lying around)


Great Job Man.


BTW, I found one little insignificant bug: one of the switches doesn't lit itself red when you avtivate it...


Thanks, glad you liked it.:)


Unfortunately there wasn't much I could do about the switch bug. It can be fixed with some advanced scripting giberish, but I can't get my head round it.


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