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Multiple stops with Func_plats


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You can't do it with func_plat brushes, but you can do it with func_trains. Make your brush and turn it into a func_train. Make sure you attach an origin-covered brush first (check rich diesal's tutorial for better detail).


Basically, you have path_corners to determine where the elevator goes/stops. You can put a delay on this so that it stays there for an extended period of time, then goes up a level. I haven't tried triggering it yet, so you may want to try attaching a trigger_multiple to each path_corner to see if that would work.


It's basically the same thing as a func_plat, only it has set paths. This is useful for making elevators that go diagonally, and then vertical, for example.

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Aru-Wen has the right of it. Basically, if you want a platform that can be individually triggered to go to a given level, youre SOL. The best bet you have at that point is two seperate elevators - onve from 1 to 2, and one from 2 to 3. No other viable MP way to do it.

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Unless, of course, you are talking SP...in which case you can make your elevator operate almost any way you want.


But, then people don't often make SP maps, it seems, and even less often post what type of map their question pertains to.


OK..so its a bit short for a rant, but that's all I have to say about that.

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