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will there be caves in the game


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Im just sitting here wonder


will there be a chance there are caves or tunnels underground you can walk around and explore?


if there were i think there would b monsters or something in them.


and if there are will u b able to hide in them


EX: you r hunting rancors with a group of friends and everyone but you is dead and one rancor sees u and starts chasing u, u see a cave and go and hide in it till the rancor leaves or u just can stop running and die with honor


i would rather hide and get out of the cave once i no its gone


EX2:you r being followed by a bounty hunter and u run to hide in a cave and he follows you and then you somehow get behind him and kill him or u can hide and wait till he gives up looking for u.


i would rather hide and get out of the cave once i no hes gone

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yeah we probibly will have to wait


i also think it would b horible to get lost in them


it would also b bad for the poor rebels that i chase into the cave when im being followed by some storm troopers and an AT-ST

i would have the AT-ST guard the entrence

they will b trapped with no hope of survival...i hope

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I read it over on the SWG main site. One of the devs said there are caves. Just like Setsuko stated "Caves where you adventure and fight monsters".


For some reason I want to say they made a comment on how extensive the caves are, but I forget what exactly.




Ahhh, here is something:

Endor profile- Endor's terrain incorporates the Ewoks' treetop villages, the Gorax caves, and other wilderness areas.


You can also supposedly dig out basements for your houses, so it is no stretch that they already have dug out some caverns.

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well thats good that there are cave.


it think that a cave would b the main privite meeting place for some of the PAs who want to have some ingame meetings till they get there own city. the problem would b for people to get to the cave


or if u can make a basement then i think there will b a lot of meetings in someones basement.

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i remember seeing that movie, at 1 time i had it on video but i sadly lost it some how


but i remember it alittle


wasn't it a ship crashed and the parents we taken, but the kids found the ewoks and they helped the kids find the parents


wasn't there big spiders in it at one point and the ewoks kill em with there spears


but i never saw the end but o well

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I had it on these tapes with small books when I was little. So you heard the story, and R2-D2 beeped when you were to turn the page. Yes, there was a ship crashing, and the kids parents dissapeared, and the ewoks were to find them. (the parents were brutally killed off in the beginning of the sequel(!), which was a perhaps even more sub-standard ewok movie, with slaver knights living on the moon of Endor, if my memory isn't totally way off)

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