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Suggestion to the designers..


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To the designers (I trust you actually read these forums)..


no doubt you've nailed all the units and terrain etc., so adding a bunch won't happen until an expansion pack.


I actually have a suggestion for recorded games.. (I trust they'll be included ?!?)..


Is it possible to incoporate fast flashbacks, like pausing a game and then replaying the last twenty seconds for all to see ?


That would make for some nice moments in multiplayer, I presume..





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exactly. when i watch a recorded game in AOK, i still have to wait a long time before the action really begins in RM-games, even if i fast-forward.

not only can you identify highlights easily, but you can also already enjoy some good moments WHILE you're still playing.

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Guest Tie Guy

That could really make people mad in MP when you keep watching their mistakes an/or defeats over and over again. Plus, you'd have to stop the game, or else your opponent could do something while you were watching his defeat.

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Guest Igonmondrian

I know this is off-topic, but....

I am a newbie to this site. I am not a newbie to Age of Empires, however. In fact, I have been an Age of Empires (I and II) junkie since it came out.


One thing i came to absolutely hate about Age of Empires was the 200 unit population limit! (Which is why I eagerly await Cossaks, which has a limit of 8,000). Since the designers must look at these forums sometime, I would like to know how I could edit this low population limit to something more reasonable, like 2000 to 2500. If I cram I could go with 1000.


I hate the 200 population limit wiht a passion, I would like to see a droid army with a collection of groups of 100 in 10x10 squares. I know my computer can take this, for I could run Cossaks with no trouble, and that has just as good of graphics as Age of Empires.


I have Age of Empires 1 and 2 with expansions. Every single game I have ever played, I find myself killing narly all my villagers mid-game for 200 just isn't enough to waige a massive and convincing war.


I will go now and wait for replies, so I will play Dark Forces (still, my favorite 3-d shooter) until the sun comes back. :atat::cool:

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hey igonmondrian,




i come from the AOK forums too and hate the limit equally passionate. there was a fanmade scenario where they actually proved that that limit is completely redundant (I think it was called Massacre or something).


however, i don't think Lucasarts will throw it wide open and allow for 1000-unit armies. i don't think so, but i'm silently hoping they do.

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Guest Master Yoda

that would be cool to have 1000 unit armies but theres alot of people out there who dont have computers that can handle that many units and still have good graphics, I know my comp can handle it but they still have to be able to sell the game..

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Guest Igonmondrian

I know there are alot of computer gameers out there with low-end machines. I have a friend (Allen) who uses an Amstrad. :eek:


I would like to find some sort of configuration file go in there with a text editor and edit the population limit maually. Or something.


If LA would do that, it'd be great. People with lower-end computers can ignore it, and high-end computer users could embrace it.


O LA could just have a dropdown menu with population limits like in AOE. Only they could have a menu with numbers-it could go like this...


Population Limit:

2000 (faster machines only)

1500 (faster machines only)

500 (faster machines only)

250 (middle of the road machines)

200 (middle of the road machines)

150 (all machines)

100 (all machines)

50 (all machines)


Have large, configurable population limit.

Warn people with lower-end machines. The solution is so simple, it's brilliant!

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Guest Igonmondrian

i realized that it wasn't fair in Mp when I finished typing it. So I think it should have a 200 population limit only for Multiplayer.

That would make it simple, for I have a 56k and it runs fine on mine and pretty much everyones got a 56k or better. So 200 would be fine for MP.


Otherwise configurable population limit should be the way to go. I want to see a big huge droid army like in Episode 1.

Not much more to say.


I just finished my extreamly nutritious breakfast of cookies and coffee, so I will now go to play Dark Forces.

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