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OH yeah!


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I found the forum again!

and i got a new computer, i bought it with my owm money, so now i have NONE! *sigh*

oh well, so what have people been upto? this place seems pretty dead, but i'm sure it will be teeming with life again when S&M 2 comes out, 10 years after the release of the origional

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it is not uncommon for dead things to teem with life once again, it's all part of the wonderful cycle of life, so any minute now we can expect grubs and worms to start burrowing through the very flesh of this forum, piercing it's eyeballs and gaining nourishment from its bowels, leaving a thin streak of effluence behind each one.


Kinda makes you go warm and gooey doesn't it. Like a corpse, i guess...

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