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The Draft to be re-enacted in 3 weeks


your thoughts on the Draft  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. your thoughts on the Draft

    • the Draft sucks
    • Draft is a good idea
    • the Draft is an EXCELLENT idea

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Here's the facts:


A: The draft is NOT going to be re-instated.


B:War is the worst possible thing imaginable.


C:People who think War could be beneficial to them as an individual, or they think they would like it, are extremely, extremely, ignorant to War, and are obviously not that old, and haven't had much experience with real life endeavours.


D: The war with Iraq will mostly be fought with "Urban Warfare," in which there will be a 50 Percent casualty rate. (Fighting building to building, and that's US casualty rate by the way, which is extrememly high compared to any other war the US participated in, ever.)


Saying that, I would also like to say that I'm not pointing fingers or anything, and not saying being ignorant about War is being stupid... I'm just saying it's too bad people would think that being a grunt in the military during war-time would be a positive experience. 50 Percent casualty rate. Do you have any idea how high that is? It's not just something I made up, either. Look it up. Yes, the US will be bombing the hell out of Iraq, and whatnot, but where the War will be won is on the streets of Baghdad, and other large cities in Iraq. So far, all I have seen on this board is vague generalizations and stated opinions.....no facts to back anything up, just emotion, except for ET Warrior, who has been doing a good job arguing his case...(and got warned for that too, interestingly enough).


When arguing a case follow these basic guidelines:


1) Stated Opinion.








5)Closing statement/opinion.



I could see why some people may say War would be okay, considering this IS a video game forum, and I would assume these people have seen a LOT of glorified violence, may it be in game, movies, TV, etc...but if they want to be a grunt in the Military, more power to them, they may (sadly) learn the hard way what happens in War.



The real hard way.

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You really think it will be alot of city fighting? I figure maybe one, or two cities will have to be taken like that. But I don't see the U.S. occupying Iraq for any amount of time, so I don't believe the cities will have to be taken by force. Just the last one, the one where everyone holes up. I agree that the casualties are extremely high in urban warfare, but ever since the assualt on Hue city in Vietnam, the U.S. has worked on developing a sound battle strategy for urban warfare. I'd say the U.S. is much more prepared to take it to the streets then the Iraq armed forces are.


Oh, yes, war is bad. But while everyone will decry war, no one here will decry the spoils of it. Look at how fast MysticSpade backpedaled when I called him on it. Yes it sucks, but if someones gotta do it, wouldn't you want that someone to at least enjoy it?

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It isn't a demand to be in the military. But all you peaceloving shmucks, take this into consideration...


Iraq has somehow destroyed our forces and is now deciding to invade our shores. Not to kill, but to take over.


Peacelovers : What do you do? All you're freedoms will be taken and you'll be forced into military service or you will be shot dead. What do you choose?


I know the military is volunteer, which is why it's so powerful. But if in the worst situation, you should be forced into military action, its more of a duty to serve that country and fight and *if need be* die for that country and for those YOU love to continue to have that freedom to be peaceful and not have to pick up a gun to go to war. Saying 'I won't go to war and be killed' is *to me atleast* a way of saying 'I'm spitting on all of those who have died so that I can say I won't join our military'.


Serve your country if you're needed. Do it with pride and honor, not disguist and loathing.


And about the life is a life dealy. Sure a lifes a life, but do you think thats what they thought when they crashed a plane into a skyscrapper full of human lives, just because they hate our way of life...our freedom to be aloud to hate whoever and whatever we want? Go to Iraq and say you hate that way of life in the middle of a town and see how far you get before you get gunned down. Go to New York and say you hate this way of life and see how many people choose to express their freedom to ignore you, or throw stones at you. Cuss out Suddam while he's speaking and see what it gets you. Say the exact same thing to Bush. Decide which result you like more...

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Originally posted by MydnightPsion

And about the life is a life dealy. Sure a lifes a life, but do you think thats what they thought when they crashed a plane into a skyscrapper full of human lives,


So I should lower myself to their level? I'm sorry, I would serve my country in any way that did not involve me actually killing someone.

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