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Ulic Quel Droma

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i just dont get it, parents let kids watch movies with gore and let them play battle games, but when it comes to computer games they go oh no :rolleyes: theyll let their children destroy their bodies with cinnamon toast crunch and sugary stuff, but they dont let them play computer games with blood, with is worse:


Destroying body tissues with sugar


Playing a game with blood and dismemberment


hmm, whats the world coming to

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Well, there is always the tiny fact that you are an actor and not a viewer when you play computer games. That is a good thing compared to TV, since a lot of centres in your brain are active that are dormant when you watch TV, but it also mean you are more affected by the violence.


Why this makes it more evil to watch a nipple than to watch a man being chopped up with a chainsaw, well, that is beyond my understanding.

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Why this makes it more evil to watch a nipple than to watch a man being chopped up with a chainsaw, well, that is beyond my understanding.


because the regular male human desire is women sex and money, they dont care about the man whos being chopped up with a chain saw, its human nature

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Remember, if we don't have the PG-13 rating, then we can't have the little jimmy KSing your camp, PKing you with is Rancor "A.K.A dragonpet" or ph33rUber Chat all over our zonechats.


O wait a minute, I thought you all wanted that?


I would like to see a hand chop off, or maybe a :fett: head roll at my feet. I feel if they keeps those starwars moments out of the game, they might as well take out "I have a bad feeling about this" to "F*** it, I can always have my guild PL me a new Jedi"


:deathii: Dradle

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