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New to threads, and a Q about the BH's


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Hey, i'm new here (well, posting anyways ;P), and I finally decided to register, since i've browsed around for quite some time (few months actually XD). Anyways, just wanted to get that done, and I have a question about the BH's. I know they are an "elite" profession, as in the next kind of class that you can be, as long as you have mastered the required beginning classes. I know it's not certain what a BH's required beginning classes are (though it is hinted that they are most likely going to be the Marksman and/or Brawler classes), but I was wondering, is it an elite "elite" profession? As in, alot harder to attain than say, a Smuggler or Beast Handler, but not as hard as getting a FS slot (for obvious reasons)? Just wanted to ask that. Thanks :D :D

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Bounty Hunter will probably be the most "elite" of the elite professions and definately harder to achieve than smuggler or creature handler. To give you an idea, you have a max. of 200 skills, and to master bounty hunter (not just become one), you'll need to spend 189 skill points.


Anyway, Welcome to the forums!! :D

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Oh no, not another one...now the resident fools are gonna put up a welcome banner again.....gyah...meh....


Anyways, the Bounty Hunter spot will most likely be the hardest profession to attain, excluding the Jedi, because a big percentage of the people will try attain Bounty Hunter when they give up after the 60th time of becoming a Jedi.

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Oh no, not another one...now the resident fools are gonna put up a welcome banner again.....gyah...meh....


*clears throat*



Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forum!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, XO of the Official Welcomming Committee and Moderator of this place.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)

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Welcome cetanu!


How's that BD?


Bounty Hunter will probably be the most "elite" of the elite professions and definately harder to achieve than smuggler or creature handler. To give you an idea, you have a max. of 200 skills, and to master bounty hunter (not just become one), you'll need to spend 189 skill points.


Close Thew, I think Jedi will be the most taxing on points. Would you spend points on anything but force powers? I probably wouldn't. ;)

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Tnx all for the welcome :D :D . Yea, thats what I thought about the BH being the hardest Elite Class to attain/master, minus the Jedi. Chocolate covered gnorts eh? Gotta try em, though many people say dont eat them, but I think I have had worse before from what people have said before XD. Hmmm, I guess I might check out the BH class later in my SWG life (few months or so :p), so i'll prolly be a Teras Kasi or a Swordsman (I love my melee/bladed wep melee :D). Tnx again all, and i'll cya around sometime....

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