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Specifics on Tracking


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I don't want to be a bounty hunter... nor do I want to be hunted by one. :) But, I am still curious about how they're going to do their job.


How will a bountry hunter be able to track down a certain player? Will bounty hunters have some sort of extra game menu that can tell them where any specific prey is located? Or maybe it will stay more true to real life, and allow bounty hunters access to a network or spy databases or something...


I know that Bh's already accept missions from a computer terminal right? Maybe that is also some sort of tracking mechanism...


everyone's thoughts?

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There are lots of Bothans around which suggests spying, but I'm thinking BH's will have something like an extra display on the monitor which will show them where their current target is or it will be done by waypoints because I've seen that the game uses them in order for you not to get lost.

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You have a good point there bugger :D.


personally i think you need to have the scout in your initial prof list. you scout out and i think you will be given the last known loaction and you have to search from there... i meen what is the fun in bounty hunting if you know exactly where your target is.. i think NPC's will be able to help you and also where ever the player registeres or buys something it wiull show up on your pad i think...


my 2 cents

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that's the perfect solution Wraith. I dig it.


I hope that a bounty hunter can increase his tracking skills too... It would only make sense that a skilled hunter will be able to find someone much faster if he or she were accepting his first or second bounty. (then again... even the weakest bh's will be much stronger than the average artisan or anything...)


Another thing: Anyone have any comments on what would happen if a bounty hunter's prey wasn't online? What then?


could you logyo on to find that u've been killed? in Other words... will a BH have to be logged on at the same time that you will, in order for you to get properly taken care of?


btw all this talk of bounties and getting killed is making me want to steer clear of trouble... :)

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I was also giving this some thought and although I have no proof whatsoever I think I have some of the basics figured out. The skills used for the scout and ranger tracking will be of the type which will follow tracks, scents and terrain to lead to a person or creature. Your level of skill will effect your range and accuracy. They will be needed by tailors for skins or raw material resources from animals. I think it will take a ranger discipline in order to track players though; as it would give a needed bonus skill to the higher level ranger profession.


Now the investigation skill employed by BH must work a different way entirely. It would be much too convenient to just have a red 'x' on your radar to follow your target and also it isnt really fair to not allow a target the opportunity to flee from someone who has a 'lojack' style tracking device on him. Too many uses of exploits by taking multiple BH and setting up a ring around him and then just announcing his direction of retreat to your whole group. I believe investigation will provide tips, hints, maybe snitches at the NPC level for locations the quarry has frequented. Or maybe investigation will allow you to see some computer hacking style information as to where his home is, what bank he uses, or maybe places he has used his communicator to access data banks. Only general information that will pin down rough geographic area's for closer observation.


I am guessing that it wont be possible to directly track a PVP target with the UI radar just because it would be so easily exploitable and impossible to get away from. At the least I expect that BH skill point requirements are too high to finish BH and also climb ranger tree high enough to PVP track a player. However Ranger use of player tracking would also be exploited by BH guild for high profile targets so maybe even rangers cannot track players either.


Sure wish the NDA would end *sigh*

So many more questions

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Actually, I was just listening to the Q-3P0 interview on Hyperdrive Radio, and they asked him this very question.


His reply was that Droids would have a lot to do with the process. I think that's really cool, and it makes me wonder if a droid engineer can build tracking droids.


Either way, it was cool to hear Q-3P0 answer my own question! :)

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I like the idea of tracking droids similar to the ones Darth Maul used in TPM. However, my larger concern is if a BH has player target it seems like it would be hard to find the person if you aren't in the game all the time. For example, I can see myself playing an average of 1-2 hours a day so if I am hunting a person (not likely as I doubt that I will be a BH) I have to hope he is playing when I am.

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