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GtkRadiant 1.2.12


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Be sure to read the news about the upcoming 1.3 Win32 and MacOS builds.


The changelog:


GtkRadiant 1.2.12 Changes




- #707, fixed HM mode in STV:EF

- updates to SoF2 mp_entities.def and JKII sp_entities.def


- #738 - max texture dirs to 256 fix

- #710, AssignSound pattern

- #711, SoF2 model_static drawing

- #238, apply 0..1 T range when Fitting a patch (instead of 0..-1 previously)

- #633, Add ability to change default color in 3D window Misc > Colors > Camera background

- #418, mdc load and display (RTCW)

- #597, CenterCamera shortcut

Use Ctrl+Shift+TAB to center the views onto the current camera location

- #714, bitmap loading fixes and speedups

- #715, fixed Alt+Shift cycle/drill select to work with brush-based entities


- Q3Map 2.3.38 (see changelog.q3map2.txt)

- Quake 3 + TA common.shader updates (q3map_terrain, hint)


The updates in bold are ones that will probably most impact the JO editing community, mostly the new SP_entities.def from Mike Gummelt at Raven that I sent in.


I'm also going to make a bug report asking for drawing of models misc_model_breakbles and GLM drawing for func_trains and other entities, but support for that GLM format might take a while.

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