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or... Acronyms In Star Wars Galaxies ;)


...for there seems to be a hell of a lot of em in SWG (ahhh even I'm doing it!).


Personally I find it frustrating to be reading a really good post or a news item, only to be presented by a little 3 or 4 letter puzzle that leaves me trying to figure out what on earth it means in the context of what I'm reading :(


This leads me to ask for your help!


Scour the forums, news sites even check down the back of the sofa, and report back here with all the SWG (damn there it goes again) releated acronyms you can find.


Together we can create the ultimate Star Wars Galaxies Acronym Dictionary (or SWGAD :p), and I shall collate all entries from here into a readble web page or something.


Heres a few easy ones for starters...


SWG - ok I won't even bother with this one :p

FS - Force Sensitive

BH - Bounty Hunter

POI - Point of Interest

PA - Player Asscociation


Couple that have recently baffled me...


ST - (Can STs be rented...)

TEF - (How long does a TEF last?)




:: smirny

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Yeah, I know what you mean :D


ST = If it's Star Wars, that means Stormtrooper. If it's Star Trek, it means ... well, Star Trek. ;)


TEF I don't know, but I'm sure Set can fill you in on it, as she's a godess of RPG around here. :D

I'm sure it's really easy to figure out, but I'm just too damn lazy. :D

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni


TEF I don't know, but I'm sure Set can fill you in on it, as she's a godess of RPG around here. :D


A thank-ya, thank-ya werramuch. TEF, is a Temporary Eenemy Flag, which means that if I, as a neut or covert imp shoots a rebel or aid an imp who fights a rebel, I'll be flagged as an overt imp for a while, making me free to kill for all overt rebels in the area, and vice versa. This is so that a covert doctor can't stand there all day healing his overt rebel friends with no retailation.



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Well, anyway, if your going to mention it, we might as well put it up here to get them out of the way.


SCS: Single Character Server

MCS: Multiple Character Server

MMORPG: Massively Multi-player On-line RolePlaying Game


Just for starters, I am sure I will thins of more.....oh yah...


FSCS:Force Sensitive Character Slot

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I just grabbed this off of the official forums:


Alts – Characters controlled by a player, but are not the player’s main character. Only possible in Multi Character Servers.


ANH – A New Hope. Star Wars Episode IV, sometimes just referred to as just “Star Wars”.


AO – Anarchy Online. A MMORPG made by Funcom.


AotC – Attack of the Clones


AT-AT – The “Dog” walker the Imperials use. Seen at The Battle of Hoth in Empire Strikes Back.


AT-ST – The “Chicken” walker the Imperials use. Seen at The Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi.


Bacta - Liquid which greatly increases healing rate (Seen in Empire Strikes Back).


Blue Glowie - Refers to the ability of Jedi Masters to become One with the Force leaves them as ghosts with a blue aura.


Buff – The act of increasing a player’s stat mostly through an ability or using an item. Usually wears off after a certain period of time.


Camping - Hunting the same monsters in the same area for an extended period of time (usually to get a particular item off that monster).


Carebear - Not so nice term used by Pro-PvP players to describe Anti-PvP players (or Pro-PvP players who are bad losers)


Casual – Casual Gamer. A player that does not spend a great deal of time playing the game.


Cloning - Continuity based character respawning term.


Covert - A character that has declared a faction but is an hidden member of that faction. Covert characters are only open to PvP when they trigger a TEF.


Crafter – A character that is focused on crafting


CSR – Customer Service Representative. An in-game administrator.


DAoC – Dark Age of Camelot. A MMORPG made by Mythic.


Digiteer – An official that controls important NPCs.


Devs – The people who are in charge of developing the game. In SWG’s case the Devs that visit the forums most often are: Shug_Ninx, Holocron, Q3PO and BoShek


Droid - A robot with very advanced Artificial Intelligence, like R2D2 and C3PO.


Drop - Term used to describe the equipment you get from killing monsters or players.


EnB / E&B – Earth and Beyond. A MMORPG made by Westwood.


ESB – The Empire Strikes Back


EQ – Everquest. A MMORPG made by Verant.


EU – Expanded Universe. Refers to the extra material(not created by George Lucas, but still sanctioned by LucasFilm/LucasArts) based in the Star Wars Universe, including the books, pen and paper RPGs, comics and computer games.


Faction – All players begin the game as Neutrals. Originally players could choose to “side with” The Rebellion, The Imperials or The Hutts. Currently only The Rebellion and The Imperials are available. However being a Mercenary will let you attack (and be attacked) by both sides.


FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions. A good place to start when you are just starting to learn about Star Wars Galaxies. http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/features/faq.jsp


Force Ghost - Refers to the ability of Jedi Masters to become One with the Force leaves them as ghosts with a blue aura.


FFA – Free For All. A server type where anything goes.


FS – Force Sensitive. A seemingly random series of events will unlock this feature allowing players to create a second character that has the ability to wield the force.


GAT – General Any Topic. A forum on the Official Star Wars Galaxies Boards. 90% of the topics posted in the Discussion Forum should go in this one.


GCW – Galactic Civil War. Term used to describe the war between the Rebels and the Imperials.


GM – Game Master. An in-game administrator.


Griefer - A player who goes out of his way to make your gaming experience an unhappy one. Most MMORPGs has rules which prevent this and are generally strict on people who do it.


HAM - Health, Action, Mind. The display of these three pools, which represent the health of your character.


Hardcore - A player that spends a great deal of time playing a game.


HC – Hard Core.


Krayt Dragon - A very large and dangerous reptilian creature.


KS – Kill Stealing. The act of another player attacking a monster or player which you are fighting, without your permission.


Lewt - Term used to describe the equipment you get from killing monsters or players.


Loot – Term used to describe the equipment you get from killing monsters or players.


Main – A player’s main character.


MCS – Multi Character Servers. Servers that allow players to have more than 1 character, which are called Alts.


MMOG – Massive Multiplayer Online Game


MMORPG – Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.


Mob – Originally used in MUDs as an acronym for Mobile Object. It refers to entities (such as monsters), which characters can attack.


MUD – Multi User Domains / Dungeons. A Digital Realm where contains multiple players / people.


Mules – Characters purposely made to carry another charcter’s equipment or do their dirty work.


NDA – Non Disclosure Agreement. A contract made with beta testers which forbids them from sharing any information about the development of Star Wars Galaxies.


NPC – Non Playing Character.


Overt – A character which has declared a faction and is a visible member of that faction. Overt characters are open to PvP at anytime.


OOC - Out of Character. Term used by Roleplayers to signify that they are now speaking as the Player not as the Character.


PA – Player Association. Players that have like-minded ideals who have banded together into an organisation.


Perma-Death – Where the action of your character dying, causes deletion of that character. Permanent Death.


Phat Loot / Lewt - Term used to describe good or overpowering equipment you get from killing monsters or players.


PK – Player Killer.


POI – Point of Interest. A randomly spawning scenario, which will provide choices and entertainment for a player.


Pool - SWG has 3 character feedback displays which show the health of your character. Health Pool displays your current Hit Points. Action Pool reflects your stamina. Mind Pool reflects the current status of your Mind. Also refered to as HAM or the HAM bar.


Powergamer – A player that spends a great deal of time playing a game.


PvE – Player vs Environment (Combat).


PvP – Player vs Player (Combat).


PvP+ – An advocate for a PvP system.


PvP- – An advocate against a PvP system.


RotJ – Return of the Jedi


RP – Role Play / Role Player


RPG – Role Playing Game


SCS – Single Character Servers. Servers that only allow players to have 1 character.


SE – Space Expansion. The first expansion pack announced for Star Wars Galaxies. Set to include spaceships and twitch-based space combat.


SOE – Sony Online Entertainment.


SW – Star Wars.


SWG – Star Wars Galaxies. A MMORPG made by Sony Online Entertainment.


TEF - Temporary Enemy Flag. Doing certain actions (like healing an overt member of your faction, when you are a covert) will trigger this flag and allow people to attack you.


TPH – The Phantom Menace.


Twink – A character that achieves status / equipment / knowledge by gaining it through another (whether it be from a player’s main character or another person).


Themepark – A specially designed area in the game, which may contain interesting and important charcters. One known Themepark is Jabba’s Palace.


Twitch – Gameplay based upon the skills of the player not the character.


UO – Ultima Online. A MMORPG made by Origin Systems.


Uber - Much better than average.


ZOC – Zone of Control. Early in the development ZOCs were going to be pivotal to the Galactic Civil War. Zones of Control were intended to be an area where one side of the GCW could claim and then build up and defend.

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"Uber", or "über" as it is derived from (a germanic word), means "Over". With alittle imagination, "Uber Jedi" translates into "someone who can pwn you AND other Jedi!" :D


Bu the way, while I mentioned it, pwned means the same as owned. :) Why the P instead of the O, I don't know. Maybe someone misspelled it and it caught on. :D

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UBER- Commonly used to replace 'super' or 'amazing'. If I was explained correctly, it is a German term.


AMAZING list GJG, but you forgot one. ;P


MUSH- Multiple User Shared Hallucination. MUSHes are commonly used for text based roleplaying. A very complex system of commands and code make a fully interactive text based environment. Some of the Best RPers come from MUSHes, MUXes and MUDs.


Where are all of my fellow MUSHers out there? ;P

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Wasn't that the game AOL sponsored? It was sort of a smuggling type game in which you had to learn ways to get to different planets and accept jobs and such? If that is what you are refering to, I remember it quite well. Although not nearly as impressive or colorful as most of the MUSHes I have participated in, it was quite amusing to play for a couple of weeks.

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At Brekken Dakar:


Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forum!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, XO of the Official Welcomming Committee and Moderator of this place.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)

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Jan, I'm telling you, it's the lack of authority in your avatar. ;P

The Tarkin avatar was so much better.


Anyway, before we get way too far off topic Brekken. I have participated in SW:Ways of the Force MUSH, SW: A New Threat MUSH, Dark Gift World of Darkness MUSH, and several others that just didn't last. I suggest we either create a thread for this....actually, I'll do that right now.

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