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Why dark water?


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If it's solid, are you sure you've used caulk_nonsolid to create the brush and then textured only the top and bottom with the water shader?


I've never seen black water before... are you sure that there's enough light in the room? And which water shader are you using?

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I have the same problem. The more interesting is that the same shader (bespin/water2) and the same method of creating works in the same map just elsewhere. And where it works it works in two different way.


One of the waters is OK, the other looks good, but sometimes behaves as it was only a nonsolid brush (no water effects). And the third is the black, nonsolid. In ONE map...


And the things can change from compile to compile. I use q3map2. As the new 2.5.2 is out I'm going to give it a try.

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