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Funny Video


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Here is a funny video of two Asian guys doing a dance. It's pretty funny.


It doesn't work well on my PC... It stops alot. It may be my connection. Test it though, it is good.




*** I just got farther. It is so funny. My sides hurt from laughter. Better change my pants too... :o (Just Kidding, for those who take us so literally!)


OK, to get it to run, just hit play and let it go to the end. The screen won't change, but it'll allow you to rplay it and you'll get farther. Keep repeating the process. Seem like alot? No, it's worth it. :D:p:D

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OK, my PC isn't as stupid as I thought. My sister's friend knows the dance from loading it up over and over... :D


Maybe I can bring a dance to school tomorrow!!!! :D:p:D


*** I finished it finally. Once you can see the end, I suggest you wathch it straight through.

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