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Enhanced Soundtrack?

Monkey Mania

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The soundtrack is very nice, indeed, but it is an excerpt of the full DF music score only. IMHO it has a bit too much reverb.


Ben(evolence) has done very good quality scores.

You just have to listen to the DFMOD music *outside* the game to enjoy it as is.

Please keep in mind DF has kind of dynamic music. That means while Kyle is walking around, the "stalk" music is beeing played. As soon as aggressive ennemies appear, the music changes into the "fight" music.

And when Kyle faces a level boss, the "boss" music tunes up.


Simply putting these parts together to a single file and playing it

from start to end is good for a separate soundtrack, but not just the way it will be in the game.



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Can't those who dislike the demo music change the mp3's around?


Not saying I am. Like Fracman said, Lundquist's is good for listening alone, but I as a DF fanatic wanna hear the other music as well. And anyhow, since it is one file, you would be killing DTs with stalk music and sneaking through elevator shafts and garbage disposals while some action music is playing...

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yes, i was curious about the "dynamic music" factor too. i have taken all of the music from the game and converted it to midi format and there are about 130 different files. stalk, fight, boss, executor, subsets like that. i havent listened to the entirety of Lundquists set, im sure that its good, but it doesnt give the same feeling as when listening to the separate parts. also, after converting the game music files, i found some "easter egg" tracks, like a surfing theme, and a track that sounds like it could fit in a 50s urban/gangster type movie. im sure that these were not represented in Lunds conversion.

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Originally posted by ImmolatedYoda

i found some "easter egg" tracks, like a surfing theme, and a track that sounds like it could fit in a 50s urban/gangster type movie. im sure that these were not represented in Lunds conversion.


Nope, not at all. Would have been cooler for LEC to add better easter eggs. ie Sam and Max Hit the Road Music, TIE Fighter music, etc....

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I didn't include those extra tracks, as I didn't feel that it fit in with the rest of the music, there was a tie fighter track there as well, but that's for a different soundtrack.

I could just as easily have made all the tracks into mp3, but you would get A LOT of repetitions and and some tracks would be as small as 5 seconds in length - and for music that's supposed to be listened to outside of the game, I think it would kill the flow.

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Yeah, when you buy a film soundtrack, you only get the main themes on the CD. Composers write hours and hours of music for films, and only a portion of that makes it to the final cut of the film - then only a small portion of that makes it to the soundtrack...


The same would be true here.

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Originally posted by The_One

Yeah, when you buy a film soundtrack, you only get the main themes on the CD. Composers write hours and hours of music for films, and only a portion of that makes it to the final cut of the film - then only a small portion of that makes it to the soundtrack...


The same would be true here.


yes, thats true One. but thats why they make ultimate soudntracks or things like that :). those at least include all the music from the movie.

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