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Good SP Episode 1 MOD?


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Hey does anyone know where i can get a good SP Episode 1 Mod ive looked everywhere for one but i noticed there werent any so i looked around the forums and saw a couple being made but theyve never been released or submitted to the public yet so if anyone knows where i might be able to find one please tell me. Thanks for your help.

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Well I don't don't know of any Episode 1 mods, except one in the showcase forums was being made which replaced certain characters in regular SP with some of the new models that have come out like Qui-Gon, ep1 Obi Wan, Mace Windu and I think a few others. With 5 posts you're pretty new, and from experience I wouldn't expect an answer from making a thread until at least a day, although I've found quick replies at Yoda's Swamp and Valley of the Jedi.

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Hey Saberdude, its me higgi. Im still workin on mine, but my damn jk2radiant wont let me compile my maps so im a bit stuck. anyways i will let u know wen its done. my cousins jk2radiant works, but i havent been round his in a while. he hasnt been workin on it tho the lazy bugger :D c ya

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