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Has anyone else noticed that...


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Guest DarthMaulUK
Originally posted by Admiral Vostok

As for the age thing... I get the sneaking suspicion I'm the oldest person here with perhaps the exception of DMUK...


What makes you so sure?! :-p



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omg... i just saw phreaks location...


That is so untrue! Florida is MESSED up!


Dade County in particular! There's seriously something in the water down there... and it ain't good! All the old folks there have too strong of a voice...


You ban freedon of speech....


Majorly f- up the last election!


Remember the Elian Gonzalez problem?


Florida is almost as backwards as Canada is! :D

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*In redneck voice*

Why sir you have offended my honor.

*takes gloves out of no where*

I demand satisfaction

*gets ready to slap pb with the gloves*

I challenge you to a DRINKING CONTEST!



You can add the f*ckin old people driving Caddies so freakin slow to your lists of why FL is messed up :D

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Vostok: That [OFF TOPIC] idea didn't work. Note the fact that never in the history of Galactic Discussion has anyone ever posted a purposefully O-T thread. They all just evolved from dead threads. You never saw a "Bananas and Llamas" thread, but you'd go into the Alien Jedi Thread and see a discussion of Bananas and Llamas. Trying to force O-Tness on us would just ruin the fun. :mad:


Rhett: There's nothing wrong with the O-T crowd. It's just that, as I said above, our O-T conversations evolve from normal threads (such as the Alien Jedi Thread). Now, if DMUK had just moved all of those threads over to the O-T forum rather than just deleting them, I would be an intensely pleased panda... er, that is, banana-llama genetic crossover.


Not too sure about the Florida thing... I think I've only been there once, and I spent most of my time at Universal Studios. And half the rides were closed for maintenance. So... yes, if they can't even maintain the Jurassic Park ride, Florida IS messed up!!


Argh. I suddenly feel terribly young and out-of-place.

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Corran - good point about the Off-Topic stuff. Well in that case I ask that threads never be relegated to the Off-Topic forum while people are still actively posting on them in this forum.


And as for us going and joining the Off-Topic forum... why? We have our own community here. Sure, it consists of only a handful of people, but maybe that's why I like it. Maybe I'd rather be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a large pond.


As for Jessica Alba, Phreak have you seen Idle Hands? One of my favourite movies, partly because of Jessica Alba.

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