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Glass tunnel?


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Create a brush, which has as many sides as you want then texture it with the glass texture which can be found in almost all texture sets (the sets above mentioned by leslie and wedge are the best sets to look in). When its in place simply hollow it out using the CGS Hollow Tool bearing in mind this overlaps the edges of your brush and with glass being transparent this can pose a problem if you dont want it to be able to see the overlapped textures. :)

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Woah--that's a dangerous strategy in this case...


With glass, it's usually better to construct each pane of glass individually, and out of the nodraw_solid texture (something I just learned from ydnar...). This will prevent overlapping brushes and will allow you to texture only the faces of the glass pane that you can see. DONT texture the entire brush with glass, that can cause problems...texture only the visible faces. Also, be sure to use nodraw_solid instead of nodraw, or your glass panes will be 'ghosts.'

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