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Yeah, far better duels would be great. In fact, seeing as Jedi are such important people, I think that they should have really cool animations and quite a bit of 'eye candy'- they could leap around and do all sorts of saber moves when attacking, and if they're fighting with another Jedi (or Sith), the duel animations kick in.


Sith's "Gameplay>Realism" doesn't really count here. It would really only ever be "Not wasting time on irrelevant eye candy>Realism/eye candy," but that's a foolish statement, as graphics are an essential part of any game.

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I think that would be kinda silly..... especially seeing as (following on from your idea) they'd be carving a circle into the side of the building, which really doesn't make sense. And just shoving your saber in and holding it there wouldn't do much either.

After all, Qui-Gon was just cutting through a blast DOOR, not a gate (thus not an RTS building).

However, there could be other special animations when attacking buildings... you could even see slash marks where the Jedi have attacked the building! That would be great!

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Off-Topic: More gore!!!! A little pool of blood around a dead trooper isn't enough!!!! I wanna see thier guts all over the floor!!! :evil1:


I think Jedi duelling should be in but only as eye candy. While it would appear to the player that they are dueling really they are just slashing each other. Same for aircraft dogfights.

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Vostok: Heh, that was fun... but I don't think you will be able to do that in GB2. You'll just see a whole mess of slashes on the buildings. Which is plenty fine with me. :D


Crazy_dog: Well, yeah, of course, all of these things are eye candy. Jedi dueling, aircraft dogfights/bombing runs..... it's mostly eye candy, but the air stuff might have an effect on ground units firing up.

Gore- I'm not too sure about this one. Seeing as you might have 400 troopers on the map at a time, that's a huge amount of blood. Just a realistic bit for each dead unit would be fine. But no bleeding AT-ATs!

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Sith: Of course it's unnecessary, but then again, everything graphic-wise is unnecessary yet extremely good for the game. And why would you want dogfights, which may actually have an effect on gameplay, but not want a little eye candy-only thing which makes Jedi look great?

It's not 'distracting.' A sith vs. jedi duel isn't going to tear your attention away from the main battle.

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Um, Sith, I'm not stupid. I sense an edit.....

Why are you against dogfights? You either go for dogfights, which look great and don't damage gameplay, or you go for ships just sitting there and looking stupid. You might try something in-between, but I don't exactly know how you'd do it without it turning into a real dogfight or being really, really bad.

You change the animation for fighting a single type of unit (another Force user). Come on. These are the most important units in SW, and they deserve to look cool.

And, well, I've seen mountain giants kick everything from Jarls to Axemen. They just do that sometimes. It's not an egg, as far as I know.

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And, well, I've seen mountain giants kick everything from Jarls to Axemen. They just do that sometimes. It's not an egg, as far as I know.

Sure they kick other units. That's their regular animation. But against dwarves they have a special attack where they boot the dwarf and it goes flying. That's an easter egg.

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While I think Jedi-dueling is nothing more than eye candy and has no effect on gameplay, I would like to see dogfighting have an effect on gameplay. As I stated in my "Concerning the weakness of Air" Thread (which for some reason was locked... could a mod kindly tell me why!?) I want Aircraft in SWGB2 to be much more powerful than they are now. To compensate, more units are able to shoot them, in fact pretty much all ranged units except things where they have no guns that can angle up (MTTs and Dwarf Spider Droids are the only things that come to mind). That's where missile-firing units have a benefit - they can get homing missiles while other units just fire a screen of laser fire in the hope it hits the Aircraft. Having aircraft move while attacking makes them harder to hit for non-AA units, but not impossible.


Having said that I'm not in favour of a system like EE where they fly out of a hangar and have to return when they run out of fuel. I'd prefer them to just hover in mid-air while not doing anything, but they begin strafing and twirling when they attack something.

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Sith: But you're in the bad kind of minority which opposes sensible ideas, not the good kind that goes and protests against chopping down trees and all that. ;)


Vostok: How about I try and make an "Aircraft in GB2" thread, and we discuss it there? I'll do my best to keep it unlocked....

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Vostok-The problem with allowing almost every unit attack air is that air would lose much of its battlefield importance. Air in ground battles is not meant to be the overwhelming force, but the support force. And much of its importance as a support force relies on its relative immunity to ground attacks. I was an avid supporter of the whole AT-AT's attack air because I felt I made AT-AT's a much stronger and prominent aspect of the Imperial army and also made sure that a lone AT-AT couldn't be beaten by one or two fighterswhen all of the players AA is on the other side of the map.

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Well I'm suggesting ground units be allowed to shoot at air, but not be very good at it. Then you have missile units like hailfire droids that are good at air, but can shoot ground as well. This would allow air to be made tougher and stronger without introducing imbalance.


Corran - Yeah, you could start an Air thread, but it looks like this is turning into one anyway.

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Yeah, but then you lose the purpose of air. If all ranged units can hit air, then they become not much different from weaker mechs. Each group must maintain their uniqueness, or else there would be no point in using them. Yes, I agree that realistically a trooper could shoot at fighters, but gameplay>realism.

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There is no way, absolutely no way, that in a Star Wars game of all games air should be merely a 'support force.' Air should be the perfect equal of ground, and should have several 'classes' just as ground does. If anything, Sea should be the 'support (or more appropriately, secondary) force,' used in some cases for transport or attack.


And I do not believe that all ground units should be able to shoot at air. Let's begin with troopers- if they could hurt an air force it'd be overpowered, and if they could do much damage you shouldn't include it anyway.

I would be in support of more AA, and around 40% of all ground units being able to shoot air, but not all, and especially not all troopers.

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