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Official SWGB 2 Game Engine thread.

Guest DarthMaulUK

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-windu About the rockets I would like to apologise for my premature statement. And I would like to add that Hitler called his ground troops "Stormtroopers" before they were deemed inaffective and turned into the SS.


Before I begin I apologise for the lack of anything resembling structure.



The game engine just needs to have mass battles and more of a Star Wars feel. Also better stuff with planes, dog fights something to make it more interesting. ie the rebels don't have very large bases. I don't even hoth was as big as an imperial garrison.


If you were being shot at would you stand still? (I hope not) you duck behind something. Or do jedis just staand still and hack at each other? They move they block...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would love to see a new engine. AOM has the Age aspect of the Age of... games. Aging up in GB was interesting but it should have been dropped. I would much rather have a long and involving tech tree. Aging up is not like star wars at all either...

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I think a cross of many engines would make a good engine for Galactic Battlegrounds 2. Maybe take ideas from Civilization, Age of Kings, Age of Empires, Age of Empires II, Age of Mythology, etc.) I wouldn't want to see another Star Wars Rebellion or Star Wars Force Commander. Force Commander was too complicated to learn and Rebellion was long.

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Man, what a game that would be! A 3-d Star Wars RTS game where you fight space, air, sea, and land battles with star wars civilizations. Too bad rts engine haven't developed that far to do that. It would be a dream come true. Plus, it would great dogfights between fighters. Star Wars music and sound that sounded just like it was from a real star wars battle from the movie. Special Effects and graphics that make the game look like your really in space or where ever you were.

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Originally posted by joesdomain

I think the Age of Kings engine was a cool engine. Just expand on it to be 3-D instead of 2-D. Keep the computer specifications to a minimum of 8MB video card and I will buy it.


It wouldn't be an Age of Kings engine, because Age of kings isn't in 3-D, as you pointed out. So it would be a whole new engine!

And, what do you mean about "Keep the computer specifications to a minimum of 8MB video card and I will buy it"?


Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

i'd like an engine in which the player can conquer the galaxy with both ground and space combat, but unless something comes up I am only dreaming.


As joesdomain typed, it would be really cool....I'm in for that idea! ;)

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Originally posted by joesdomain

I just think the units in the previous Galactic Battlegrounds moved like Robots. Or let me put it another way. They moved unrealistic and unnatural.


Yes that has to be changed. It's minor, but would be nice if the devs did something for the organic units. I think mechanical units should move unnaturally.

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I know this may sound stupid, but maybe LA should make their own engine, here is my idea for the engine:


in the confederacy war room their was a map, on the map their were the republic troops and fighters each unit was a certain size and it looked pretty cool. How bout add color and buildings and recources and you might have a good engine. It gets the size of units quite well because if you notice in Ep.2 the artillary TOWERED over the AT-ETs ( they were at least a lot bigger) and also I was very dissapointed on how the decimator was as tall as a regular trooper?! What the heck is that!?



( I apologise for spelling and punctiation marks, does the pharagraph still makes sense?)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Personally, if the next SWGB game used the RoN engine it would be slated in reviews.


The RoN engine is very old now and with the RTS stakes being raised with new 3d engines, LA need something 3d and different. I prefer the idea of outsourcing a new 3d engine and then let LA focus on the artwork and story of the game.



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