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My custom textures???


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Ehm.. I'M new in this forum, so i do not know where i should let this Thread ... Uhm well here is the question :


If I try to put my own textures in the map I see them in radiant, but if I start Jk2 to look how they will look like, they don't appear there, I see something like bespin/floor3 IN BLACK AND WHITE! hmmmm=?!?!?!




Yeah almost forgot one thing in radiant If I load my textures, it writes : - WARNING:textues/../...tga has empty alpha channel -


How can I add this alpha channel?

I tried already everything what i could!!


HOPE SOMEONE WILL HELP ME!!!!!!!! :confused:

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First of all, this goes in the mapping/levels forum.

Second, try the search button, it is very useful, it finds other threads like this one.


To answer your question from what I know, try typing in "sv_pure 0" in the console before you start your map up. That should fix it, if not...then I don't know.

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Originally posted by §<...>§

Ehm.. I'M new in this forum, so i do not know where i should let this Thread ... Uhm well here is the question :


If I try to put my own textures in the map I see them in radiant, but if I start Jk2 to look how they will look like, they don't appear there, I see something like bespin/floor3 IN BLACK AND WHITE! hmmmm=?!?!?!




Yeah almost forgot one thing in radiant If I load my textures, it writes : - WARNING:textues/../...tga has empty alpha channel -


How can I add this alpha channel?

I tried already everything what i could!!


HOPE SOMEONE WILL HELP ME!!!!!!!! :confused:

Altus_Thrawn is right. An other way is to pack up your map and custom textures and everything else ehich is custom into a pk3 file and place that in your base directory. Before deploying your finished map you have to do this packing anyway. ;)



Alpha channels: notice that message is just a warning. A tga file with an empty alpha channel is not a problem, however if you don't need an alpha channel then a jpg file would be smaller in file size probably.


If you want to put something into the alpha channel use PhotoShop or Paint Shop Pro for example. They can handle alpha channels for sure, but there are other programs of course.

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