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CD problem


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I'm pretty sure it's not the CD, Altus. Your computer may have been infected by a virus, one of the same ones that kept me from playing. I recommend that you have some sort of anti-virus program like McAfee Viruscan, or that you go to http://www.mcafee.com and search for the FreeScan link. Use it to check your drivers. I hope this will work for you.

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have you updated your game, and have you tried uninstalling everything related to Jedi Outcast, even through the registry? Are you possibly using a NO-CD patch to bypass copyright protection, which even then causes problems even with the CD in.

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I bought the game yesterday! I installed it, then the patch 1.04 and started playing the sp.


It mostly happens when I give a quikload command. Not every time i quickload but sometimes at that point.

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You may suffer from having a unreliable CD-read as I am. You could check the "explorer"(not sure if it's the correct english name) to see if it acknowledges the CD before you play to see if it's a problem with the CD-reader(possibly the CD as well) or game.


I can use a secondary CD-reader that's more reliable but it's also a lot more noisier.

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my DVD ROM Sony DDU 1621 is a brand new one. When starting to play the CD functions properly. But at a point (usually when quickloading) it is as the computer cannot read from it.


The funny thing is that after that the cd becomes inaccecible until rebooting the pc, but at the same time the hardware profile says that the device is working properly.


My system


P4 2.53




DVD ROM Sony DDU 1621

on Windows 2000 pro

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I know this is an unsual request but as I have paid the full price for the game and i keep getting from time to time this no cd in the drive problem (my cd-rom is brand new-as is my pc- and this only happens with JD2).


I am looking for a no cd key for version 1.04 (or 1.03- as i am not interested in multiplayer). I believe I am entitled to play the game with no irritating interruptions

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Talk of patches for using No-CD is strictly prohibited, as it modifies aspects of the exe files.


The only thing I can suggest is try the cd on another machine and see if it is maybe defective on parts of it or not. also, with them being new drives, give them time to initialize the cd, as some cd's take drives longer to read.

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