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Dining Philosophers...


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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt

A computer can only run 1 process at a time anyway, thats why a multiprogramming (or multitasking) enviroment is the APPARENT simultaneous execution of two or more process's, so you see in the context of programming you can't have more than one thread running at a time. (although ill agree you can have more than one in the running or runnable status :)). Now i'll agree the point of the exercise is lost when you start using a loop but surely it would work just aswell (im assuming here the C++ will allow you control of whether the loop is running/runnable or not) (when i say a loop I dont mean just 3 lines of code, you would obviously have to add code to determin which threads need more time etc)


You're assuming you only have one CPU, f00.

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