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Convesations in BehavEd?


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Hey all....I found a tutorial once on making conversations with BehavEd. Since I reinstalled the tools when I got my new editor ( GTK radiant) my tutorial was lost. And yes. It was a downloaded tutorial.


So can anyone please give me the web adress to this site or explain how to make conversations with BehavEd?


Thanks in advance.

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Yeah, pardon me. The Raven scripts came with the Editing tools. They are in SP_scripts subfolder (or something like that) in your Tools folder. They are ordinary .txt files, so you can open them even with Notepad, should you wish to do so.


Studying them will remind you of the crusial fact that conversation is something more than just giving out noises. It also involves looking at the conversation partner, sometimes looking somewhere else, waving hands to emphasize some points. These things are included in Raven scripts, and thus they are much more helpful than old tutorials (with no disrespect to them, they have their uses in the beginning).

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