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How can I enable Duel saber mode and duel blade mode?


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I can't find anywhere how to enable the duel saber stuff in the mods that i have. I also have a Darth Maul model and saber that I can't get to do the duel blade thing. it says that it should do it automaticly but it hasn't worked yet.

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(1) Start a multiplayer game.

(2) Select your lightsaber, and turn it off while your still holding it. (Press #1 two times.)

(3) Activate the console by pressing [sHIFT & ~]

(4) Type devmap [map name] - example: devmap ffa_yavin

(5) type /THEDESTROYER into the console.


This thread should belong here. Owel *waits for mod

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Hey back off guys, be nice to noobs. :) Theyre not stupid, theyre new. Just like you were. I remember when I was brand new here, its been great every step of the way.


Welcome to Lucas Forums Nizate. Its a great place to be. Visit the Star Wars section for all your Star Wars posting pleasure! :D

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