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well, the way i see it. If someone wants to kill them self its up to them. I'm not so arrogant as to cast judgment on them. Who the hell are we to decide for anyone else?


Kids killing themself is sad as they havent even seen the world in its true light. Trust me when i say that the world is VERY different when you are an old bastard like me. Sorry to be patronising, but its true, your perspective changes and there are things in this world that can only be appreciated through reflection.


What is sad is that people can get to a point where they feel they have no option, it says a lot about society i think. My best mate tried to top himself just before christmas, he's getting divorced and doesnt see his daughter very much. He started drinking whisky every day and just lost the plot. He ate a load of asprins and drunk a bottle of whisky and it was sheer chance that we found him. He's fine now and is in his way to recovery. His daughter celebrated her 3rd birthday yesterday, and to think he would have missed that.:rolleyes:


When people kill em self and the family and friends react angrily to it you have to wonder if they are thinking of their friend/family member or thinking of how they feel.


Aslo some cultures regard suicide as extremely honourable. for example Japan and as we all know; Muslims.


ironically i think people that berate those that commit suicide are the selfish ones.

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

And some break after having been dug in for a long time.


True. I forgot those. Me bad.


Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

What about suicide victims who commit suicide for reasons other than bullying? With victims of bullying, at least you can work to better their lives by stopping the bullying. But what about suicides due to reasons that don't get better? Something you can never get back?


Like someone dying off on you, for example? Dunno. I've no experience on that kind, and I haven't got any book-learning on it either. Might want to ask Skin. He knows a lot of stuff.

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As I see it, committing sucide is purely a lack of willpower. People are experiencing a rough time, and just want to take the easy way out, instead of suffering through the bad times and coming to the good times after that. It's kind of like the gom jabbar test in the beginning of Dune, in case anyone has read that one.


So, in a way, we might say that sucide separates those who are animals and those who are humans.


well, the way i see it. If someone wants to kill them self its up to them. I'm not so arrogant as to cast judgment on them. Who the hell are we to decide for anyone else?


But what good can come out of suicide? Many people aren't far-sighted enough to see that they have a lot to look forward to if they don't give in. Just throwing away the problems like that, "They can just kill themselves if they want to!", is not the way I like thinking.

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Put it this way, running round berating people once they die isnt helping either!


Its not up to us its up to them, and if we have done all we can to be kind and decent to these people and they still want to go ahead and kill em self then so be it. I'm not gonna lose sleep over it... People are using guilt to stop people form doing their own thing, now THATs tragic.:(

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Suicide is so counterintuitive to most cultures, that it is frequently the subject of much scorn.


I think that one of the reasons is that suicide doesn't affect the central person as much as the survivors. The person dying is merely dead. He/she has no more problems.


Those that know this person or come in contact with this person after death are, however, very affected.


They are reminded of their own mortality. They morn the loss of a family member or friend. They find guilt in the loss, since there was something that they probably could've done to prevent it. They find anger, since they're cheated out of completing, continuing, resolving a relationship.


But I think, most of all, we are reminded that death awaits us all. We are so conditioned to live that we find someone who chooses death to be strange.


To discourage this type of behavior, societies (perhaps rightfully so) construct taboos and rules about suicide. We call them cowards (after all, you don't want to be a coward, do you?), cheaters (such an amoral thing, cheating), quitters (no one likes a quitter), and imagine supernatural beings who find it disagreeable. These same omnipotent beings that should have "known" what was going to happen according to many societies.


The fact is: suicide affects the living more than it does the dead. Very often, the person commiting suicide is doing so as a last spite, method of hurt, act of attention. This is often expressed in the "notes" left behind. Everyone begins feeling guilty, angry, lost, desparic, hurt, abandoned... etc. Everyone except the one who commit suicide. That person feels nothing.


"Suicide," to quote the theme song of a popular television sitcom, "is painless." But only for the person who dies.


Instead of villifying and condemning those who commit suicide, we (as society and responsible citizens to our societies) should correct the mistakes that allow "80% of the warning signs to go unnoticed" as pointed out by RPTheHotRod.

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Originally posted by SkinWalker

no one likes a quitter


Hey! The US was founded on by quitters. But other than that, a great analysis.


However, ironically, the greatest problems with suiciders arise when they survive an attempt of suicide by eating pharmaceuticals. Often their liver is irrepairably damaged, and must be replaced. Naturally this raises the ethical question of whether someone who has tried to kill himself should be in front of, say, someone with a gene-defect in the line to get a liver transplant.

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Originally posted by Breton

Well, even if this should happen (though I doubt it ever does) it still does not justify suicide. No good can come from it.


You can't just leave the suiciders alone to take their life, since most of them are due to depressions and other mental unbalance. These people need to be helped, and not ignored as "they can do whatever they like with their lives".

well why not i mean technically over weight people (ones without that body making fat causing obesity) are killing themselves by always eating these fatty foods and not doing any excercise. and those everquest fanatics that never move from there chair. people say well they can do whatever they want with their life. in a way they are commiting suicide. and also how do you know that they have depression or mental issues? what if they are perfectly normal people but they just don't care about living and they decide what the hell why not?
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as a person who thought quite a bit about suicide, i have gotten help but the thought and feeling never goes away. im not even a big person on it , i just thought about it. now imagine these people who have actually gone through with it but were saved after say jumping from the chair with the rope around their neck but were cut down. say they had the same problem where they couldnt get rid of the pain and thought no matter what. well would you want them to live in this emotional hell, knowing they can't get out? would you want this emotionally challenged person to be in your home knowing they could blow at any moment. plus i think it takes alot of will power to commit suicide. many suiciders are scared of death even if they don't let it be known. especially the ones that cut themselves. that takes alot of will power. i bet you couldn't grab a knife and put it into your stomach or slash yourself.

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