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Games Graphics


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Hey all.

I'm new to the board and this site infact.

I'm a 16 year old student from Huddersfield

I've been a fan of the Monkey Island games for as long as I can remember.. I used tio love wacthing my parents play them on the Amiga when i was a kid.

I currently own MI 3 and MI4 for PC which are great.. Seen as we got rid of the Amiga I'm after MI1 and 2 aswell for PC.. I know you can get them in a box set of the 3 games.. but I already have the 3rd one.. suppose i might aswell though.

Just one thing that puzzles me.

Why change the game graphics.. I mean the graphics obvioulsy get better.. But MI1 and 2 looked realisitic... now they're cartoon graphics.. I don't think Monkey sland suits the cartoon look myself.

what do you all think

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I personally like the look in CMI. The backgrounds *are* cartoony, but they aren't too cartoony - they have a lot of detail and such. The characters are pretty damn cartoony, and I would think they would have looked better with at least some basic shading on them, but all-in-all I was satisfied with the look of CMI.


EMI was a different matter, though. They basically used 3d graphics in a cartoony style, and it just doesn't suit the series in my opinion. It looks too plastic-like, and lacks the depth of a good, hand-drawn background. The characters were terrible too, designed to look cartoony (flat colour textures) yet with unimpressive shading. Ehhhhhh.


I think if they'd have had the means to do so, they would have made MI1 and 2 have a more cartoony look. It would have looked damn good, too.

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Don't think that I disagree with MI taking a more realistic turn with graphics though. In the MI5 forum I stated that I'd love to see a style the same as that seen in this very forum's banner - it captures the feel of Monkey Island beautifully. Of course, to do that it'd probably require reverting to 2D, and I can't see that happening unfortunately.

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CMI was good looking, particularly the backgrounds. However, I didn't really like the ultra-thin characters, some of which were done a little badly; I preferred the original look, with the Guybrush who was yet to be forced into a life of dieting and sticking his fingers down his throat. And yes, EMI was a little poor, much like Oliver Twist. The characters stood out from the background instead of blending in nicely, and it really couldn't decide whether it was "wacky-cartoony" or "normal-cartoony" - if you understand my rather vague and recently created definitions. EMI is kind-of like Monkey Island 1 and 2 dressed up in some bright orange combats and a glow-in-the-dark green puffa jacket, with bleached blonde hair.

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i loved the fact that with basic colours and very low resolution, they were still able to make the charcters in MI1 and 2 have shading. but i think the makers of CMI were going for a cartoony look so they didn't put in the shading we are used to in modern day animations. i think it woukld have looked great with it, but hey, whatever, the game was still great and had good graphics (better backgrounds that i'm used to seeing in most games, but then it is an LEC title).

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What I love most about CMI is that you can take almost any scene in the entire game, and turn it into a beautiful desktop - the quality of the art was consistently brilliant. Unlike EMI where half the scenes were pretty nice, but half were absolute ****e (as RemiO pointed out in another similar post, complete with screenshots).

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I do like the graphics in CMI and EMI. The graphics in both were amazing and the character graphics were good in CMI.. but the characters were a bit dodgy in EMI.

However good the games were I feel the cartoon styel grahpics don't suit the games.. or the characters.

I've never played MI 1 but MI2 is the best one out of the 4. In my opinion.




P.S This is a good board. You can actually have a good conversation with folk. I should come here more often. :p

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please do. and if you ever do get to play MI1, you'll probably get the CD version which has very similar graphics to MI2 (the floppy version also has similar graphics, just a lower resolution) apart from the fact tat guybrush is younger and has no beard (which i think he should have had in cmi, something like what Paco does for guybrush in http://www.worldofmi.com). in my opinion, apart from it being very short and spanning two island, MI1 has a great storyline with loads of backstory you don'tneed but is interesting to have, good dialogue, great humour and perfect puzzels.

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