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Financing a PA

Pax Romana

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I am interested in any input in how to operate a successful crafting PA from a financial standpoint.


I am not sure how to achieve a balance between allowing members of the PA enough personal freedom with their creditrs while having enough left over to build an HQ and support the growth of the group.


I like the idea of dues for a combat or smuggling PA but we plan to run more like a business.

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Thanks for the feedback.


I guess a percent off of the top makes sense, but i was hoping that the core development team of our PA could concentrate on only crafting. leaving the sales to our merchant(s).


Basically we are planning to use PA members from different proffessions to complete the whole supply chain. From people gathering materials (minimg or outside purchases) to people designing the weapons (crafters/weaponsmiths), to people manufacturing what the designers create(industrialists), to people selling (merchants).


That is a rather complicated process, and I am afraid that simply taking a percentage of everyone's credits earned is too simple a solution for our organization.


Any thoughts?


Pax Romana

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