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are there any REAL mods for jk2?


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i haven't played jk2 in about 6 months, but i know there used to be mods in progress that looked interesting. so i came back here today cause i was bored, and every link on jkii.net doesn't exist anymore.



all the mods seem to be just dueling/lightsaber mods....jedimod, jediplus, ultimate mod, and whatever else...


i was looking for a REAL mod. i remember there was going to be one that would allow you to play in the battle on hoth and the battle on endor, what happened to those ones? doesn't seem like any interesting mods have been released that actually change anything.


are there any?

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Currently, there are at least 3 major MODs in the works...


A remake of Dark Forces, and they currently have a playable demo of the first mission (to steal the Deathstar plans).


A remake of Jedi Knight, called Dark Forces 2 Enhanced...and work is progressing nicely on that one.


There is also an Attack Of The Clones mod in the pipeline.


Keep your eyes peeled... ;)

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Yeah, the good thing about serverside only mods is it doesnt really mes with too much of the gameplay. Besides "basejk" is where we want to keep the game since that is how it was released.


I must admin though, that ForceMod looks pretty interesting. Cant wait for its release :lightning

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I'm also a coder for the AOTCTC mod and I see how much that is going to change jk2, in a way like DF. So from that angle, I can see your point :-)


However, if you play mp games online, you will notice that 90-95% of the servers that are using mods, are using serverside only mods. ;)

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Exactly what are you doing on the AOTCTC project? I've never heard Wudan mention you doing anything before. (just curious, not meant as an insult.) I understand that Herr is pretty much out of the picture for a while with school stuff.


I don't consider admin mods to be true mods so that really knocks down the percentage.

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This is true, I can't disclose any info about the AOTCTC stuff, sorry man...However, I definitly have my hands tied with that and the other projects I have. I havent spoken with Wudan that much, just in the forums so he doesnt know anything I have done really.


Oh wow, Jedi Academy Mod on the weekly top 10 downloads at jk2files...hmm, who would have figured that? :confused:

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Originally posted by razorace

bah, secrecy only causes strain on your team when you don't meet face to face every day.


Anyway, you guys better link up and link up soon. It sounds like Wudan and Jaii's attention is wanning from what I've heard.



It seems as though your angry at me for something...If you are, I have no idea what I did/didnt do. Anyways...If you think I'm trying to start a mod war, thats not true at all...We're all one big great community just trying to make new friends and meet new people...Err...thats what I'm doing:D

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Hey, I'm not 100% sure, but you may be referring to Rebel Operations. I have this right on the About...


Players will be immersed, as they reenact infamous missions in as diverse locales as the Death Star or Echo Base, and fight alongside familiar personnel with realistic weapons and equipment.

Again, I'm not certain, but I had to try ;).


And in response to Stormhammer's post (although not directed at him :)). I'd like to consider Rebel Operations one of the "major JKII:JO mods", but virtually no one knows about us! I can't tell you how many times I've submitted news to JKII.net and it hasn't been posted. It's near impossible to get the word out effectively like this. And we can't identify with the DF, JK, or EII communities like the other mods can because we have so much never before seen content...

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Admin mods are total crap and should be flushed.


Maybe 1 out of every 50 that run them is actually a server you are *allowed to play on.

The other 49 are nothing more than a means for noob admins to get off by using stupid role playing emotes to punish the people who actually bought the game to play as it was intended, an action game (wow radical concept there).


Pretty much a given in JK2 is if you see a saber only server running any type of admin mod (or hybrid) set to ffa_bespin DO NOT go in and try to play.


You will be put to sleep/turned into a bunny/have your head exploded/or my new favorite the invisible choke.


And before anyone chimes in with "Blah blah they are made to punish lamers and people who do not respect server rules" I'm going to tell you to shut the <you fill in the blank> up.


I hit over two dozen servers running these mods in the last few hours and every single on of them was the same.


You go in, don't say a single word, don't break any rules, kill an admin several times in a FFA and it's "punish the lamer" time.


Looking for a good mod?

Avoid playing on any Admin mod type server if your goal is anything other than role playing.

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Originally posted by Chandler

Admins are corrupt everywhere though, not just in Jedi Outcast. I've seen a ton in Counter-Strike, but that's what happens when you give 10 year olds their own server :(.


Yeah I get the same garbage in RTCW w/ the Shrub mod.

I've just noticed in JK2 it seems to be the worst.


In other FPS games they tend to abuse the mod crap to outscore you, in JK2 the genuinely seem to get off running around with the stupid empower/whatever emote nonsense.


I guess it's some kind of third person view ego trip/role playing fetish.


Either way, any and all Admin mods are garbage and I can't help but give a silent "thumbs up" to all the "lamers" out there that make life a living Hell for these noob idiots.

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