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The game play


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This is my first post ever, so I hope I am not screwing anything up royally. Anways my major question was the game play of this game. I have played the Sims before and I was wondering if thats the type of game this is gonna be. I am unfortunate in never playing Everquest and but I have played a magnitude of other games. So I waas wondering what can this game be compared to? Also I was wondering how this server thing works. Is it just many servers hooked up to one global game that everyone participates in, or are there many servers hosting their own individual game? All your help is greatly appreciated and I am sorry if I have screwed things up or if my questions seem really dumb.:mauls: :mauls: :maul5: :maul5: :maul5::darth:

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ok, I can tell you that this will not be like the SIMS.... I'd have to kill the people who created SWG if it was.... It's a MMORPG. Try another MMORPG and see how it is. Some have free trails. Though, it wont be like SWG completly, at least you'll understand MMORpGs better.

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Well, first of all, what does MMORPG stand for.


MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online, which means that there are a ton of people playing together online, and only online.


RPG stands for RolePlay Game, which means you roleplay a character, someone else than who you are.


It is by far nothing like the SIMS, however. :D


The best comparison I can think of would be EverQuest.


The server thing works like different servers around the world (or, at the initial release, around the U.S. :p ) and each acts as a seperate game with all the planets and features. They are not connected in anyway to each other that makes you jump from server to server.


And lastly:

Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forums!!! :)


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Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


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We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)

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Well... why isn't SWG like the Sims? Because 1) you have tons more freedom. You have several planets to explore, each one so big that it would take days to run acrosst he map. 2) It is based on Star Wars. That means blaster combat, AT-STs and seedy cantinas. 3) You have complete control over your avatar. 4) It is a role playing game. That means, the point is that you pretend that your avatar is you. Then you act out your character together with the other couple of thousand people on the server, who is portraiting their characters.


Oh, and yes, each server will be a complete galaxy, with no interaction between them. They start out exactly the same, but soon the actions of the players on the different servers will make them look different. You're not sure that a town exist at one place on Starsider, just because it exists on Bloodfin.


If you haven't played EQ or other MMORPGs, you could try out the Elder Scroll series (Morrowind etc). They are sort of singleplayer mmorpgs. Yes, the experience is totally different, since you are the only human player, but it will give you a slight feeling of the magnitude that is a mmorpg universe...

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It is kinda like the Sims in at least 1 respect. I saw one of the movies on stratics.com, and to interact with other PC's, u click on them and a radial menu appears round them, Sims-style. People having played the sims before will be able to get to grips with this v.quickly. Actually, thats the only comparison i hope to ever make between SWG and the Sims, cos the Sims is rubbish! Its like Big Brother! U sit in ur house, watching other people sit in their house!


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