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Your Code of Conduct / Belief / Ideal


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First off - not out to nail people over this.... Not that kinda guy.

Just intrigued as to what diveresity of religions, beliefs and codes of conduct we have present here in the Swamp.

it is also related to a little study I am doing, and would be a great help.

First sign of anti-semantic flaming, and I shall release the Cmdr Keetch and the Mods. Bannings for all associated in the circumstance - okay!


Back to the good bit....


To get ball rolling, here is my wacked out belief - Guardian Spirits.


FF fans will have an inkling where I am headed with this.


I have never been religious - the idea of an all powerful being / group of beings has always foxed me, and never seen how it is possible (although when I die, may well be eating this post! :p )


But in recent months, especially after the recent passing of by family member / pet of 16 years, dog called Gremlin, have had a strong leaning towards the idea of having an animal spirit looking over me, there for me, prepeared to aid me mentally and physically.


Odd, and very possibly unique, ideal, but it fits me. The wolf can be both a social creature and a loner. Capable of great feats with or without his kind. Trying to be the alpha male in all I do. Initiative.


As you may have guessed from my Av & Sig, I have a wolf - named after the FF summon Fenrir. had laways been a wolf, but always wanted a name, and Fenrir seems fitting - no idea why.


I am not entirely sure that I believe he exists, but the thought of it, that I could call for him when I need him, and indeed do when I have my darkest hours, just gets me through life. Also a good excuse for talking to myself (Nah - Im discussing it with my Guardian Spirit... Talking to myself - you think Im nuts or something? :p )


And since my dog passed away, it has fortified this idea. That perhaps Gremlin is up there now, with Fenrir, keeping a vigil over me until I can join them, if indeed I ever will....


Just warms the heart to think that my ol' pooch is still with me, and that he is not alone.

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Originally posted by Katarn07


Anyhow, your beliefs sound similar to Native American beliefs. But I am unsure why you posted a thread about this. What are we supposed to say?


Just intrigued - the Swamp is, whilst only virtual, a DAMN fine example of a comunity where religion is not a factor, and I would love to see who are represented here. That, and would love to find out more about the various religions and things. Was never a fan of Religious Studies in college, but out and about, when it's in a calm and friendly atmosphere over habing it rammed down your throut, it is a facinating topic.



Anyhow, your beliefs sound similar to Native American beliefs. But I am unsure why you posted a thread about this. What are we supposed to say?


Had a feeling it was. Do like their ideals - worshiping nature in that way. Very appreciative of all Earth and her denzins do for us.

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Well I'm a Southern Baptist at heart. :D But once I moved to Boston we not go to a non-denominational Christian church.


My beliefs are the same as any law abiding, nice person. Except I believe the Bible. :D


Good thread btw. There is so much diversity here.



Lets add a new section to this. Since there is so much diversity here, what nationality are you as well?


I am American.

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First off, my location.


American, good 'ol Illinois, Chicago-land :D :D :D






Well, I am a Lutheran and don't discriminate against religion, unless they want all other religions to be destroyed (I don't wanna get into that cause of your fair warning, but you know who I am talking about, but I do have a good Syrian friend who is not like that )


Anyhow, your beliefs sound similar to Native American beliefs. But I am unsure why you posted a thread about this. What are we supposed to say?


*** Oh, your title explains it. I belive in the Triune God, Christ, Jehovah, Yehway, etc. I am NOT Catholic as to many people think I am... Lutherans and Catholics are 2 different things, but are both Christian and believe in the same God, only with different beliefs.




Yeah, I love visiting the powwows when they come once a year (where the heck was it last year?!)


Nowadays, since they are converted, they worship my God with their old ways of nature. That's pretty neat I think.


By the way, I edited my last post. I try not to swear, try to pray if I can remember to (I am human, you know... I can forget), go to church every Sunday (except for Lent cause I go on my church's Wed's special service), and tell the truth as often as possible.


Basically, I try to follow the 10 Commandments (has any one really broken the 9th, coveting someone's house? I am sure I have not, but the Bible says I have broken them all...).

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let's see.......


I'm in Georgia, Born and Raised. i'm penecostal (yee haw)


I believe that all people, no matter their religion, sex, color, or sexual reference, should be treated the same, unless they are mean and do not feel the same way. The feeling of superiority makes my stomach turn.


I believe in doing the right thing, no matter the cost or consequence.

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I'm from England (you call us Brits but we don't really like it...English, Welsh or Scottish plz! :D)


I'm an atheist, thanks to 5 years of going to catholic school.


I believe you should listen to your conscience and do what you think is right, and always do your best. Who can ask any more?


Although i'm an atheist, i believe Jesus said one good thing "Treat others as you would have them treat you." If only everyone lived by this rule.


Manners-wise, i always try and act like a gentleman...as my mum always says "Manners cost nothing".

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