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Am I alone?


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Hello All, first time posting here....


But I notice that alot of you future SWG players have groups, clans and such. I have never played an online game of this sort, but I would like to know what are the benefits, if any, of belonging to a group. Or is there more benefit in being a loner??:fett:

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Hello. I tend to play alone (solo) a good deal of the time. The main advantages (in general, since I can't be specific for SWG yet) are that you can go where you want, when you want, and don't have to wait for people. Plus you might get a certain ammount of satisfaction completing some task or killing some creature on your own.


On the other hand, you're alone, with all that entails. No one to heal you, buff you, or help you in anyway, no one to talk to, or...or anything. ;)


I think for the most part, grouping in a MMORPG is a good thing. After all, that is supposed to be part of the point of playing, I think. I miss the point on occasion, tho, and just enjoy going off on my own. It all depends on what you want to do - socialize...or not. :)

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Benefits of grouping in mmorp games is, that some creature need a group of people to kill and can not be killed by one person. Also hanging out with a group lets you socialize while you kill together. Xp comes faster when you kill with a group cause you can kill faster and stronger mobs then you could by your self.


Clans/ PAs are like a guild or a structured company of people that have rules and benefits. Eveyone that joins a PA can talk umongst them selves in a private chanel during the game. PAs help one another with hunting, finding objects, building items, finding places and anything else a PA members needs. A good PA helps one another, a crapy PA..don't:)


PAs have a leader. They are usualy structured according to the type of game you play. In Everquest it would be more like a Midevil PA/Guild in SWG it be more futuristic. If you played table top RPG games you will see some of that in PAs who like to RP and those PAs usualy invite people that like to RP.


Other PA who don't care about RPing form together just to have the benefits of having help and people to always talk to. This way you talk to same people all the time and hunt with same people most of the time and you get to know them on a personal lvl and feel comfortable with your PA members.


And if you wanna know how PAs are structured go to the Recruit forem and you will see PAs advertising on their with links to PA sites.

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There are benefits to both solo and PA status, but if you're worried that you'll be the only one not in a PA your fears are unfounded. I'd guess that the majority of people that will be playing SWG will not be in a PA, at least not immediately. The representation here at the message boards can be misleading, because it's still a somewhat small group that were either already friends, or have become friends on these boards and have thus decided to form PA's together.


Personally, I like being part of Guild's/PA's, and in fact had my own guild on the last MMORPG I played. At this point, although there are several great PA's I know of here at the message boards, I'd like to start and play the game solo for a while.




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Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forums!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, XO of the Official Welcomming Committee and Moderator of this place.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)

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I think that PA will be a great way to play with like minded players. We already know that SWG is designed to encourage players to work together and PAs will give people a "group" to belong to.


I have gotten involved in SWG through a few guys at work talking about making a PA. I had heard about the game a while back and didn't get that into it. About a month ago though my coworkers started talkingabout it and it has given us something to all work together on. Almost kinda sappy, huh?



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Yup, the advantages in PvP, the economical benefits etc are nice, but the true advantage that makes PA's worth it is the social groups. Playing with a fun bunch of friends makes these games a couple of hundred percent more enjoyable, IMHO!

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That is why should never join a clan where you don't know the members. Sure, this sounds harsh, and I have not followed my own advice in the matter at all times, but that doesn't make is less true.


I see it all the time at =A=, lots of folks who joins with their very first post on the forums.


Joining a PA is like buying clothes. The only thing is, it is harder to swap PA's than to swap tank tops. So, do you just march into the store, and grap the first item you get your hands on? Perhaps if you totally lack any trace of fashion sense, but let's pretend you don't. Then the answer should be: No.


Take a good look around. Ask questions to the people in the PA. And remember that many members, a nifty site or good reputation does not make a good PA. What makes a PA good or bad is how you feel when you hang around with it.


Just give it a bit of time, and it will propably be all right. :)

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I agree, Don't join a PA right yet. Group with new people, make friends, Solo alittle. We have years to work on our skills, but only months before n00b sticker comes off. And when we look back at the first 2 months of SW:G with 20 hour days & no sleep. We can say that those are the reasons we left EQ forever.

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