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if you guys are going to close threads maybe you should delete them altogether as opposed to letting some people say some things which arent then able to be defended. (this is in refernce to the freedon fried thread in which JM someone jin made some pretty unfair/WRONG comments I'd like to respond to).

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

I asked some mods about this about a year ago, during a troll attack. They said they needed to keep the for "evidence"...


... So, what's the reason now, mods? Just lazy?


BTW, I don't know why mods let that thread escalate into a flame war in the first place. :rolleyes:

I think you're really nitpicking. The thread escalated into a flame war in about an hour. You can't ask them to watch the forum 24 hours a day; that's what reporting is all about. I'm actually very satisfied that a mod responded only a few minutes after I reported.


Maybe you guys can't remember the controversy associated with mods deleting posts arbitrarily... well the moderators do remember that. When a thread is closed, you just forget about it and let it sink to the bottom. If you want to continue arguing, pbguy, you can always use instant messengers or PMs.

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You know, there are certain steps oneself can take to not turn a thread into a flame war. You can respond in a gentle manner, you can acknowledge the other person's opinions, you can prove your point without causing the other party to start an uproar. There are many, many ways to prevent flame wars.


And it really makes no sense to start another thread questioning the way things are run here. There is a whole thread about the rules, and what goes and what doesn't.


Call us lazy, but we're not the only ones who can prevent flame wars.


As for responding to accusations/inflamatory remarks, just let it go or take it to PMs.


Remember, only YOU can prevent forest flame wars!


As for preventing THIS flame war, I'll be closing this thread.

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