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OoT for GCN (Ura Zelda or Master Quest) lots of screenshots!!


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i dont know if any of you guys have heard but OoT has been remade for GCN (Game Cube)...... i got screenshots but they have japanese writing on them... check it out.


also Zelda VIIII The Wind Waker is released in the US on march 26, 2003 i think......


oh well here are 4 screenshots of OoT for GCN:












oh man, i wish i had a GCN......the shots look pretty cool, just like the original OoT, maybe a little better.


so what exactly is it called, Ura Zelda or Master Quest?

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Actually, Ura Zelda is the Japanese name, while Master Quest is the American one, if I am correct. In MQ, however, they took out most of the stuff, only the remixed dungeons are left. I know, because I preordered Wind Waker and am currently playing MQ..


And check the demos if you haven't already. If you're looking for some good graphical demos, check out the F-Zero one, and I heard it's at a constant 60 fps.:eek:


EDIT: Oops, you dont have it, NM.

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the pictures i just posted had somekind of copy protection thing.... not to sure what that was.

anyways i have 5 new ones. i like the one where link is swimming.













so whats so different about the game? and how do i get it, i heard you have to preorder zelda9 but can u get it after zelda 9 is released?

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i dont get why they took stuff out though......the game was only 29-31 megabytes, and they needed to take things out????? i would have added stuff to it. i would have made the characters talk, and then i would release it but i would never take away from the adventure, i might of added a few more dungeons in just to earn extra items, but u dont need to beat those dungeans to beat the game.

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