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Technical difficulties ! ! !

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Has anyone else been victim of computer technician imcompetence? It seems to me like they always want to half-ass the job! Darth54 is apparently suffering from this incompetence right now and is lowered to use his thinkpad to get on the web! (which is quite hilarious i must say!)


Anyway, anyone else have some stories bout that ?


misery loves company you know!:jawa

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Phew, its finally working:D


Those technicians came 3 (THREE) times, and changed about 75% of my cpu's hardware:rolleyes:


You know what, that sucks. I'm sure it would have cost less to the company to give me a new one...


is lowered to use his thinkpad to get on the web! (which is quite hilarious i must say!)


I no;)

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I wish my friend would just forget about his comp. (actually I think he has by now)


Nearly a year into its usage its hard drive exploded. Literally. Instead of repairing most of the damage his parents just went out and bought a replacement hard drive. Within a month his sound card died and they did not replace it. Now several years later he plays StarCraft occasionally on his 28.8k modem without sound. It's the only game that works on his comp. He has never run defrag on his computer so with the installing and unistalling over the years his computer is a true mess. I keep telling him to just spend $30 and buy a crappy computer to replace it and he'd be much better off. But year after year he keeps the computer. It's 6-7 years old and runs when it wants to. I look at it and shudder. The horror...the horror...

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