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Darth Groovy

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I have not prayed for a while, but I felt this was necessary. All that is done is done, our president has made his decision, right or wrong, he needs our support and our prayers, as do the men and women in Kuwait. I apologize if this prayer offends anyone, but I felt the need to share this. Let’s reach out to the ones that need us the most, namely, our troops and allies on the front lines in the Gulf.


Dear heavenly father,


A war is in the midst, and many people all over the world have a great deal to endure. In our time of need, please be with us all. Please be with our president, as he faces the most difficult times, with countless lives in his hands. Please be with our soldiers, though many of them may march into uncertain doom, stay with them Lord, let them know that you are with them every step of the way. Listen to there prayers as they need you the most. Many of them have not seen there families in quite some time. Please comfort them in there time of need. Should they die Lord, please let them know, that their lives were sacrificed for the sake of peace unto others, for our freedom, for our children. We understand Lord that the price of freedom, sometimes has to be spent in human casualties. Without that freedom, we may not be able to worship you, and this prayer would be punishable by death.

Lord, please be with the citizens of Iraq, though some may not know you, they are at great risk, and need your forgiveness, your guidance, and your love.

Lord please guide our country and our allies through this difficult time, and help bring this conflict to a quick end, with as few casualties as possible. We ask these things in Jesus name, Amen.

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Hey thank you. I was writing from the heart that time, however I was a Journalism major in high school, had my own column in the high school news paper. Then I was a Journalism major in college for about three years before taking leave of my senses and enlisting in the Navy, where I mysteriousley served as Command Journalist aboard the USS Inchon MCS-12. Although my training does not always show, occasionaly my training shows in the times when I least expect it. :D

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