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I Have An Idea For The Name!!!! And The Game Too!!!!

Who are your fave characters?  

119 members have voted

  1. 1. Who are your fave characters?

    • Guybrush
    • Elaine
    • Wally
    • Murray
    • LeChuck
    • Voodoo Lady
    • Murray the Talking Skull
    • Stan
    • Men of Low Moral Fiber
    • You haven't put my fave character up, so I'll post it.

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The game could be called 'The End of Monkey Island', and the graphics could be MI3 style. The controls would be a mixture of 'Point 'n' Click' and the keyboard method. During the game, you could have certain puzzles which can only be solved by certain characters, and certain places unaccessable until you unlock a certain character. I don't know exactly what the game story would be, but maybe it could feature something going majorly wrong on Monkey Island so everyone has to flee and move somewhere else, but LeChuck has held Elaine hostage (As usual *sigh,*) and so you have to go back, find a way to rescue Elaine, and then face LeChuck in an insult/sea fight to the death, which results in the Voodoo Lady casting a voodoo-ey spell that banishes LeChuck to a monkey underworld where there is no chance of escape. The end footage could show Guybrush and Elaine on their honeymoon on Lucre/Dinky/Scabb island or whatever, and they sing a song which makes our sides split because it's so funny, and then every single character that has ever featured in any Monkey Island game turns up and they roll the end credits. What do you think?

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you didn't post my fave character so i'll post it. voodoo lady.


anywho- that idea would be good. except unlocking characters is too un-mi. perhaps just choosing at the beginning in the start menu or something. then you can interact with the other characters that you're not being.


or- even better! you can choose to play a multiplayer game where you have to work together with the other person! one uses point-n'-click, and the other uses the keyboard. the screen is divided in half; the point-n'-click uses one of those item panels on the bottom of the screen! or the other could use the joystick instead of the computer. that'd be great! then u have to interact and sometimes work together- like u need the power of both people to move a boulder in your way or something.


it could be called "the power of monkey island". which would be working together or something. i know that title is lame. i'm not good with naming things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why does MI5 have to be the end of Monkey Island? Maybe it could be the end of LeChuck forever and get a new villain or revive an old villain (largo), and not go to Monkey Island itself, but why make it the end of Guybrush's adventures in the Caribbean?


(PS: GBrush and Elaine just returned from their honeymoon at the beginning of EMI)

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Guest Das Mole

mi5 has to be the end because they're only making 5 games. if you were paying attention in emi or cmi(one of the two), the voodoo lady said she had a 5-game contract. they're not about to make a game w/out the voodoo lady in it. there will only be one more and thats it.

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Yes, I was paying attention in EMI. I did notice that with several characters (I think more than just the voodoo lady) mentioning five game contracts. First of all, you can always extend a contract like that.


"Do you think there is actually a contract between Lucasarts with "Voodoo Lady" signed at the bottom? ha ha. I'd like to see that....Contracts," for computer generated characters may not always be taken seriously.


My impression was that they put it in there to make people think "Oh boy, that means we know they're going to make another game!" We've heard that they would like to, yes. They probably said "five game" contract because EMI was the fourth game and they wanted to give audiences a hint that there will be at least another.


Don't look too deep into the *ahem* joke that was in EMI. Monkey Island will be around.

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Guest Das Mole



when lucasarts says they're making five games, they're making five games. i understand the contract "can be extended".


"Do you think there is actually a contract between Lucasarts with "Voodoo Lady" signed at the bottom? ha ha. I'd like to see that....Contracts," for computer generated characters may not always be taken seriously.


uh, duh! of course there's no contract with lucasarts. i not a retard.


Don't look too deep into the *ahem* joke that was in EMI. Monkey Island will be around.


who said it was a joke? i know its supposed to be funny, but the phrase "five-game 'contract' " means "five-game 'contract' ".


Yes, I was paying attention in EMI. I did notice that with several characters (I think more than just the voodoo lady) mentioning five game contracts. First of all, you can always extend a contract like that.


nobody but the voodoo lady said anything about being in only five games. they only gave it to the voodoo lady because they don't need to tell you about 15 times there will only be five games.


i think it's great you're hoping(or whatever term you want to use) there will be more games. but there's only gonna be five. i'm sure someone somewhere will do some kind of spinoff thing or something like that, but i strongly believe that five games is it for monkey island.

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Originally posted by Das Mole

nobody but the voodoo lady said anything about being in only five games. they only gave it to the voodoo lady because they don't need to tell you about 15 times there will only be five games.



Guybrush also mentions it to Meathook.

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Guest Das Mole
Guybrush also mentions it to Meathook.




well, i wouldn't know. i just did what i had to so i could get the paintbrush. i avoid all conversations unless positively necessary.

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First of all, I wasn't implying you were retarted. I have no intention of cutting people down. I enjoy Monkey Island. When I play it, I go for everything I can get out of it (including all dialog).


It just seems to be a little silly to dive into what they (the game characters) are saying that much. If there are more than 5 games planned, as I give harder evidence of below, they're not going to say, "I have a contract for an unspecified number of games in the future" or "I have a 12 game deal with lucasarts." 'cause if they don't make that number(I just picked a random #. I don't think they'd really make 12), people will be real disappointed. However, by just saying five, they're a lot safeer. They can make a fifth one and sit back and later surprise us with announcing a 6th.


I haven't played MI4 as many times ('cause it was my least favorite of the 4) so I don't remember if they made any more references to more than one sequel as CMI does. (though in CMI it can be taken several ways. I won't go into this)


And yes, I would call it a hopeful view. Ron Gilbert left the Monkey Island project in the hands of other Lucasarts people but it still produced more games. He was originally going to make three, but ended up making only two. Yet there ended up being four games (so far). Though you know all this.


I guess all I'm saying is ...."We'll see." No point in my getting depressed about MI5 being the final chapter 'cause it may not be. I personally would like to see more. We'll see...


i think it's great you're hoping(or whatever term you want to use) there will be more games. but there's only gonna be five.


Hoping is a term I'd use, as I said before, but other terms I couse use here is "looking forward to," maybe even "expecting."


...and for some harder evidence that looks to a bright future for Monkey Island, I found these sources OUTside of the game. First, we have LEC's Tom Sarris who says


You've seen four incredibly well-done versions of MI and there's an immense amount of stories that remain to be told within that series.


An imminse amout of stories all of which crammed into a single MI5? Maybe. I doubt it.


If that's not enough, Lucasarts' CEO Simon Jefferey says,


At some point in the future, there will undoutebly be more Monkey Island games. No doubt about that.


Emphasis on "S" in "games" and "un" in "undoubtedly" and CEO in Simon, blah blah. I hope you interpret this the way I do. And I hope those mischievious Monkey designers at Lucasarts do as well. :-)


I just didn't bring up these sources before 'cause I was hoping to just make a quick suggestion that 5 may not be all. I thought you'd just agree with my pirate intuition. ;-)


( sources from http://www.scummbar.com under "monkey5")



...ANYway, sorry, I didn't mean to make this go into a completely new topic with my question. My apologies, xElaineMarleyx.


I think MI 5 could have a little catchphrase below the title. Something like "Monkey Island 5: The Monkeys are Out There." or "Monkey Island 5: Largo Returns" with the catchphrase "On sea or on land, you can never hide from Largo LaGrande." (I would like to see Largo again, dead or alive)


I don't know my favorite character. There are so many good ones. I liked cannonball-head an awful lot. (SMI Meathook. I didn't like EMI Meathook) I also liked the men-of-low-morale-fiber. Let's see them return!

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I hope they end the Monkey Island series with "Guybrush actually is just a kid after all!" Then everyone can be equally pissed off and they can post their frustrations in multicoloured text. They'll calm down when the pilot of "Monkey Island: The animated series" is aired and the public love it, with each swashbuckling episode revolving around LeChuck and his two sidekicks (Fat and Tall) conspiring on how to break the law, whilst Guybrush hilariously foils them with his ignorance, simaltaneously being beaten up by his alchoholic republican wife and spouting clever innuendo.

And then the anti-christ will arise and kill us all with his magical flute of disease.

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Guest Das Mole

yeah, that'd be good. i'd love to see some kind of monkey island show come out. although i'm not sure that a lot of people would watch it, being a lot of people have no clue it even exists. but maybe if people got hooked on the show, people would buy the games from ads they'd have during the breaks or even in the show!


and btw- sorry if i was an a-hole in my previous post with my awful tone(or at least it was awful in my opinion):o:o

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I don't know why it bothers people if Guybrush dreams up MI1 and 2. It doesn't bother people (that I know of) that Dorothy was dreaming Wizard of Oz. Or even more so, it doesn't bother people when movies are books. It's fine that "The Princess Bride" is being read to a little boy.


The way I view it, the first two Monkey Islands are fantacies of a little boy named Guybrush. But think of it this way (yes, I am getting this closer to on topic): All of Monkey Island after MI2 is continuing the story that "little Guybrush" dreamed up on his trip to the Big Whoop amusement park.


Bear with me here...


Little Guybrush goes through MI1 and 2 much like Calvin as Spaceman Spiff, but what happens to this pirate he created? He needs more adventures! Maybe little Guybrush writes this big chronicl of Monkey Island based off his Big Whoop adventure. This is why CMI and EMI don't fit with the whole "Guybrush is a kid" thing. It's something that "real" Guybrush writes.


This theory could possibly help get rid of any frustrations Monkey fans may have thinking about Guybrush as a kid. This works also for the brilliant ending of MI2 where he comes back to reality. You could say he comes back to reality to write his story where he explains that he was tricked into being a kid. Crazy? Yes. I know.


I suppose my point (if I have any) is that the first two can be viewed as the dream that leads up to the campaigns of Guybrush in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th game written by the "real" Guybrush after he grew up. Future adventures could be in form of books, movies, and tv episodes (how about computer animated Monkey Island episodes? That would rock... as long as they're done a lot better than EMI cutscene graphics). Then of course would be the collectable action figures and other types of Monkey Island computer games. yeeha.


as for Monkey 5...


Monkey Island 5 could, as xElaineMarleyx originally posted, a get-together of the entire Monkey Island cast, setting up sequences that would launch a pilot episode for the Monkey Island miniseries. MI5 could set up plot themes like HT Marley at the head of Mêlée Island and what Guybrush and Elaine now do. Since it's the Tri-Island area, maybe Elaine is governor of Booty and Guybrush is governor of Plunder? Haha, the game could open up with the end of years of training for Guybrush to learn how to govern.


A new foe comes up, or an old one (LARGO!!!!) and he becomes the main villain for the series. (maybe we can have LeChuck here and there. I don't know about the main villain again) The veggitarian cannibals return to Monkey Island because the themepark is gone. The giant monkey head returns as well. MI5 maybe could have to do with that. Something may come up where the monkey must return, because since it left, the volcano became unstable, calling back the monkey head. or by some voodoo reason (disable the ultimate insult) the monkey needs to return, I don't know.


The monkey head belongs on Monkey Island. I know that much.


Oh hey. If that monkey head was the second biggest Gbrush has seen, maybe sometime we can see the "other" head... just a thought.


Long live Monkey Island!!!

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I'm gonna be honest... That's a bad idea.


Which part? I wrote a lot of ideas... the theory of little guybrush, the inevitable return of Largo, the fact the the monkey head has to return, the fact that the cannibals return, Guybrush becoming a governor, ...or the stupid not-supposed-to-be-taken-seriously-idea about making the 5th game a pilot episode for a tv miniseries? (I'm hoping you say the last one.)

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