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File WON"T download.


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Someone HELP me!!!!! I have been trying for quite sometime to download a file, but it just won't work. The file I want is in the category "Sounds." The name of it is "ROTJ Luke's Sabersounds." Is the server working??? If not, then it needs to be, or be improved somehow. If anyone can send me the pk.3 zip file via E-mail, I'd appreciate it. Sometimes I wonder if this Jedi Outcast website ought to just fade away. No one has added ANY new file lately. And they should get rid of that "Matrox Parhelia" thing where the featured screenshots should be. Anyway, a response to my file request would be sufficient.

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Thanks Teddy, but I already know about that site and others. What I forgot to mention was that I have been to many other sites and all over the internet trying to find that file with absolutely NO luck at all. There has to be someone somewhere that I can get it from. Someone PLEASE help!!!!

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