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JK2 TC mods

Darth Bolshevik

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It's a popular misconception that the Dark Forces MOD is a TC. This is not the case, and you will find no reference to "TC" on our site. In our estimation, a TC tries to change every element of the game down to the smallest details. We are not attempting to do this - our primary concern is to get the "feel" of Dark Forces within the constraints of JKII. So far, we believe we have achieved this, as the very positive feedback to our demo has shown. I think I can safely say, the Dark Forces MOD is - out of all the TCs/Big MODs - the nearest to completion, even though we have tonnes left to do ;)


Also, once we have released the finished MOD, we will distribute the "SP Lite" code (SP in the MP environment) we have developed so that more SP MODs can emerge :)


*Notes that DF2E has stolen the "demo" idea*


Heh :p

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Uh, guys. It's not possible in the way you're thinking. The best you can hope for is something like the Co-Op Mod that runs on specially made maps.


The MP executable is different in some major ways from the SP executable. Unless you got information about the specific differences between SP and MP executables, it's like rewriting the game with the uncompiled executable. WITH the information, you'd still have to totally rewrite the MP code to make it even remotely like SP.

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i have to agree with razorace here im not a coder but what i have been told of the code by the coders on the team is that there is some small sp refferances and the only was to get the code from the sp exe is to decompile and i would think lucasarts would have something to say about it

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Reaper, I think you're talking about a slightly different thing.


Despite all the concerns - we were told it was possible, but we'd be mad to do it - we have a very talented team of coders who are making very good progress on the code work. Unless we waited for a few years (likely) for the SP SDK, this MOD would only be a map pack, as would every other big SP MOD/TC.


Bear in mind guys that this won't be like a SP SDK, it will effectively be what we call "SP LITE". It will have all the basic features required to play SP in our MOD. The coders aim to have most of the work finished by early Summer, and so far we haven't hit any major obstacles - I'll keep you all informed ;)

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Originally posted by The_One

Reaper, I think you're talking about a slightly different thing.


Despite all the concerns - we were told it was possible, but we'd be mad to do it - we have a very talented team of coders who are making very good progress on the code work. Unless we waited for a few years (likely) for the SP SDK, this MOD would only be a map pack, as would every other big SP MOD/TC.


Bear in mind guys that this won't be like a SP SDK, it will effectively be what we call "SP LITE". It will have all the basic features required to play SP in our MOD. The coders aim to have most of the work finished by early Summer, and so far we haven't hit any major obstacles - I'll keep you all informed ;)


well you your self know im not a coder and never will clam i know very much about that stuff have you guys looked into the save fuction as primesghost has been working on it

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:cool: Meh.


Even without messing with the Source there's still enough little modifications you can do that, taken as a whole, would provide a different SP experience. That was the point of Dragon Remix, to show what you can do with 'little mods'. That and a map/character pack is enough for me now.


If the Source would ever be released, or the SP-Lite MDK (Mod Developer's Kit ;) ) then that would be a good basis for a sequel.


... which would make the original MOD a long Promo Demo...

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Originally posted by The_One

Reaper, I think you're talking about a slightly different thing.


Despite all the concerns - we were told it was possible, but we'd be mad to do it - we have a very talented team of coders who are making very good progress on the code work. Unless we waited for a few years (likely) for the SP SDK, this MOD would only be a map pack, as would every other big SP MOD/TC.


Bear in mind guys that this won't be like a SP SDK, it will effectively be what we call "SP LITE". It will have all the basic features required to play SP in our MOD. The coders aim to have most of the work finished by early Summer, and so far we haven't hit any major obstacles - I'll keep you all informed ;)


If possible maybe we could chuck some ideas about and maybe work on this together, I think this would not only benifit both of us, but also the community.



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I'd like to remind everyone that there's some serious differences between the SP engine and the MP engine. Even if you replicated the SP code for the most part, you'd not be able to play most of the SP maps due to the map entity limit of the MP executable.

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Originally posted by Anakin

If possible maybe we could chuck some ideas about and maybe work on this together, I think this would not only benifit both of us, but also the community.




one thing i think would be very usefull if we could get all our coders together as i think we all could benerfit from this and maybe make some break throghts cos primes was gonna talk with some of your guys The one but he's away at the moment finishing UNI

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Just have your codders post on the forums. The collective data of everyone on the forums covers about all of the code. Don't expect much thou, everyone seems to be insisting on going it alone and burning themselves out after a couple of minor milestones. :(

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I'll get Darth_Linux (project lead) to get in contact with you guys. If we can bring all our coders together to work on this, it would benefit us all. However, we are putting in our Dark Forces code as we go along aswell - so the code could get pretty messy. Even so, I'm sure we can work around that.


Once we are all more firmly in contact, we can probably arrange for you to have access to our team forums and we will use that as a discussion base for any work that goes on.


How many coders do you guys have on your respective teams? We have about 3.

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Originally posted by razorace

Uh..ok. PM with your contact information. I have plenty of information but I don't like organizing/writing it up. :)


Are you on the JK TC, or AOTC TC? Or do you want to join the coding effort on the Dark Forces MOD. Sorry, I'm a little confused as to where you fit in with all this ;)

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